Caloundra Woodworking Club Inc.

Guidance & instruction on activities such as carving,pyrography,scroll saw, and fine woodworking.

Caloundra Woodworking Club Inc. commenced in 1995 and is involved in the provision of woodworking facilities, equipment and expertise to community members in order for them to gain woodworking skills, whilst providing social interaction for like minded members. The Club from time to time conducts carving, pyrography, scroll saw, and box making courses to enable members to expand their woodworking skills. Our hours are Monday to Friday 7:30am to 11:30am. We invite men & women interested in woodworking to contact us on 07 5437 2007, or to visit our club premises at 9 George Street Caloundra, via the STEPS complex, or Via Ulm Street South, Near Plover Parade Caloundra.

Fees / Subscriptions: Yes - A small annual club fee, and a nominal daily fee for use of club facility and machines. We specifically work with: Anyone, Adults, Men, Older People, Women Men & Women looking to add to their skills by learning woodwork whilst enjoying social interaction.