Maps and statistics
Statistics, interactive maps, fact sheets, web mapping (digital geographic data in the form of maps and information).
- Census infographic
The census update 2021 provides a one page summary of the key 2021 census statistics for the Sunshine Coast. .
- Housing benchmark reports
The Sunshine Coast housing benchmarks provide a ‘point in time’ snapshot of housing provision within the Sunshine Coast local government area every 5 years, in line with census releases.
- Living on the Sunshine Coast survey
A five-year survey is in progress to explore Sunshine Coast residents’ perceptions of liveability in their local area. The fourth year of results have now been released.
- Community profile
The community profile website includes the ABS census results for the Sunshine Coast from the 5 year censuses from 2021 back to 1991.
- Projected population and dwellings
The projected population and dwellings summary provides the demographic changes projected to occur between 2021 and 2046.
- Population growth infographic
The population growth fast facts infographic provides a 2 page summary of the growth in population and dwellings on the Sunshine Coast experienced between 2011 and 2021.
- Economic profile
The Sunshine Coast Council area economic profile presents economic information that describes the area's economy.
- Development indicators report
Development indicators report.
- Sunshine Coast mapping - MyMaps
Council's MyMaps website provides quick and easy access to the region's digital geographic data in the form of maps and associated information.
- Housing monitor
The Sunshine Coast Housing Monitor website provides statistics in relation to housing supply, diversity, affordability and availability.