First Nations Partnerships
Council's First Nations Partnerships team, advocate for community needs, provide First Nations policy advice, and support engagement.
- First Nations Partnerships
Council's First Nations Partnerships team, advocate for community needs, provide First Nations policy advice, and support engagement.
- Sunshine Coast Reconciliation Action Plan
The Sunshine Coast Reconciliation Action Plan (RAP) 2021-2022 supports social and economic opportunities for the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander community of the Sunshine Coast.
- Strategic pathways
Council focuses on four First Nations strategic pathways.
- Welcome to Country and Traditional Acknowledgement
A Welcome to Country should be conducted as the first program item at all public functions. Find out if you need one at an upcoming function and how to book.
- First Nations events
Find out about First Nation events held across the Sunshine Coast.
- First Nations resources
Find out some of the resources available to First Nations in the community
- First Nations policies & guidelines
Find out what policies, strategies, plans, programs and guidelines council considers in its normal business when partnering with First Nations communities
- First Nations regulatory compliance
Find out about First Nations state, national and international legislation and compliance