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The Sunshine Coast housing benchmarks are reference documents that measure progress in making housing more accessible for all. This is in line with the Sunshine Coast Environment and Liveability Strategy 2017.

Sunshine Coast Council is planning to meet the housing needs of over 500,000 people by 2041. This means we need a total of around 213,000 dwellings - an increase of 80,000 dwellings between 2021 and 2041.

The type and structure of housing built, and the provision of related services like roads, power, waste collection, employment opportunities, parks, and social infrastructure can be either major challenges or opportunities for the region.

By monitoring changes in housing over time it is possible to provide a ‘point in time’ snapshot of housing within the Sunshine Coast local government area. This will be completed every 5 years in line with census releases.

Findings for 2017 and 2022 are provided below. The next report will be published in 2027. Housing benchmark:

Note: dwelling totals have been re-calculated as of 8 December 2022.

For questions relating to demographic statistics for the Sunshine Coast, please contact council via email outlining your request.