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This large district park is perfect for a family picnic or birthday celebration, with plenty of shade and picnic facilities. It features a host of play and sporting activities that suits children of all ages. The park features multiple playgrounds, kids educational bike track, cricket oval, half basketball court, exercise equipment and a skate park.  There is also a large fenced off leash dog park, located at the northern end of the park.

Play elements

  •  Flying fox and spinner toys
  •  Castle with drawbridge
  •  Red train with carriages, spring toy and small slide – perfect for younger children.
  •  Kids educational bike / scooter track – complete with miniature street signs, roundabouts, speed bumps  and painted road lines.
  •  Cricket oval
  •  Basketball half court (on other side of park, across Raintree Boulevard)
  •  Skate park (on other side of park, across Raintree Boulevard). Visit the Little Mountain Common Skate Park page for more information. 


  • Plenty of shade – with large shade sails, picnic shelters and mature trees
  • Pathways to all facilities
  • Barbecues, picnic tables, seating and drinking fountain
  • Off-street carparking
  • Public amenities
  • Exercise equipment node
  • Dog off leash park, located at the northern end of Little Mountain Common. For more information check out the Little Mountain Common fenced dog park site.