Sunshine Coast Recreation Parks Plan
Council adopted the recreation parks plan at its Ordinary Meeting in December 2021. Our Vision: A resilient network of recreation parks that provide equitable open spaces, connect people and nature, and promote healthy and creative lifestyles.

The Sunshine Coast Recreation Parks Plan (RPP) (PDF, 14700KB) provides the framework for the delivery and management of functional and affordable recreation parks over the next 10 years.
Whether you’re picnicking with pals, exploring playgrounds with little ones, connecting with nature, improving your fitness or celebrating a special occasion - our Sunshine Coast parks matter to many people for many reasons.
The plan will be a roadmap for parks on the Sunshine Coast, a planning tool that supports council’s commitment to preserving spaces and parks that enhance the natural character of the Sunshine Coast’s environment.
The plan
View the plan as a whole document:
- RPP strategic directions (PDF, 14700KB)
or download the relevant portion/s:
- chapter 1 – strategic intent (PDF, 5800KB)
- chapter 2 – how we plan (PDF, 6400KB)
- chapter 3 – network feedback (PDF, 515KB)
- chapter 4 – activity and infrastructure planning (PDF, 5000KB)
- chapter 5 – parks management (PDF, 652KB)
- chapter 6 – implementation, monitoring and review (PDF, 2500KB)
- appendices (PDF, 2160KB).
Council uses the hierarchy of recreation park categories established in council’s Environment and Liveability Strategy 2017 (ELS) to identify the function and role of each parcel of designated parkland. Each type of park in this hierarchy has a specific role to play in the broader recreation parks network.
RPP expands on the desired standards of service found in the ELS to ensure activities and infrastructure provided for a particular park are consistent with the park’s hierarchy designation and intended function.
The plan provides guidance on park activity and function. It also describes why park activities are important, who we provide the activity spaces for, and how we plan for the fair and equitable distribution of these activities across the recreation parks network.
The plan also outlines key planning principles to help achieve park network goals and ensure financially sustainable provision of park activities for current and future development growth.
Community engagement
The community were invited to have their say on the draft Sunshine Coast recreation parks plan by completing an online survey between March and April 2021. The community were also invited to talk to a member of the team about the project at various pop-up sessions at our council libraries, the Witta markets and at Quota park in Nambour.
What the community told us
Consultation with our communities identified multiple aspects of recreation parks that are supported through the RPP’s goals, principles and planning tools:
Key community values
- Protecting our natural assets - protecting the character of the Sunshine Coast against potential impacts of future development and growth. Loss of trees are concern
- Dogs in parks - responses were evenly split between a desire for additional dog exercise areas and a desire to ban dogs from parks altogether
- Shade in parks - the provision of shade, both natural and artificial, was mentioned by many respondents
- Requests for additional parkland and infrastructure - respondents expressed the desire for more green spaces and additional supporting infrastructure in their communities
- Equitable distribution of park activities and infrastructure - the need and desire for more recreational activities in hinterland and smaller Sunshine Coast communities
- Community desires for the future Sunshine Coast recreation parks network:
- expanded play offerings (water play was the most requested play type)
- free events (particularly free concerts and outdoor movies)
- increased passive recreation opportunities (more shade provision and pathways)
- emerging activities (disc golf, pump tracks, bouldering/climbing, parkour/ninja warrior).
Where to from here
Implementation of the Sunshine Coast Recreation Parks Plan 2021-2031 will start through the initiation of the strategic actions, which are listed in the plan.
Phase 1 – review of existing strategies and emerging trends
Council has reviewed existing council strategies/policies and community feedback regarding parks (customer requests, user surveys, engagement on prior plans and strategies).
Phase 2 – draft plan development
Data from phase 1 has been incorporated into the draft plan, workshops with councillors and internal stakeholders.
Phase 3 – community review of draft plan
Community feedback was reviewed and incorporated into the finalised plan.
Final plan adoption – (December 2021)
Council endorsed the Sunshine Coast Recreation Parks Plan 2021-2031at the Ordinary Meeting held on Thursday 9 December 2021.
Parks and Leisure Australia - State level winner
In June 2022, Sunshine Coast Council was recognised at the Parks and Leisure Australia awards event in Gladstone. The work on the strategic planning document was awarded at a state level to go onto the national event later in the year held in Melbourne.
Parks and Leisure Australia - National award winner
In October 2022, Sunshine Coast Council was once again recognised for its strategic planning work, taking home the best strategic and master planning award at the Parks and Leisure Australia national awards of excellence. The award recognises council’s development of the Sunshine Coast Recreation Parks Plan 2021-2031.
For more information, please contact council.