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Council endorsed the Sunshine Coast Housing and Homelessness Action Plan 2023 (PDF, 2.8MB) at its Ordinary Meeting on 27 July 2023.


The purpose of the Housing and Homelessness Action Plan 2023 is to reinforce council’s commitment to facilitating affordable and diverse housing options and to build our capacity to respond to homelessness and support community-led initiatives.


Like many parts of Queensland and the country, Sunshine Coast is experiencing a “housing crisis”, driven largely by declining housing affordability. Housing affordability is defined as the impacts of the prevailing economics, financial and social costs associated with housing demand and supply, that may constrain the ability of households to own or rent their own home and represents the underlying costs of developing housing for the market.

The successful delivery of improved housing and homelessness support is reliant on a collaborative and integrated approach between industry, government and community. This action plan frames the collaboration and integration necessary to achieve the outcomes to support the community of the Sunshine Coast.

The Sunshine Coast housing and homelessness action plan focuses on 5 key activities to improve the housing response at the local level:

  • delivery
  • facilitation
  • advocacy
  • building capacity
  • building our knowledge.

For more information, please contact council.


  • SCC%20Housing%20and%20Homelessness%20Action%20Plan%202023%20Cover.PNG

    View the Housing and Homelessness Action Plan 2023

    The Sunshine Coast Housing and Homelessness Action Plan 2023 collates the multitude and various activities undertaken by Council to effect change and support an improved housing system on the Sunshine Coast and extend our support to reduce homelessness within our community.