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Sunshine Coast Council joined forces with Noosa and Gympie councils to produce the Regional Facilities Plan for Difficult to Locate Sports. There are challenges involved in locating, developing and managing facilities for difficult to locate sports. The three councils have agreed on a joint approach.

The plan covers:

  • aviation (ultra-lights, model aeroplanes, para-gliding and hang-gliding)
  • motorcycling
  • shooting and
  • competitive powered water sports.

The plan focuses on public land and community-based clubs. It does not include private facilities.


The aim of the plan is to guide the planning and investment priorities for four specific hard to locate sports categories.

Key recommendations

Key recommendations of the plan relevant to the Sunshine Coast local government area include:

  • continue to explore different sites for relocation of the Suncoast Model Aero Club and the Suncoast Junior Motorcycle Club. This is due to the state government’s need to use the land for suitable industrial development
  • support ongoing motorcycle use of the Conondale Memorial Recreation Reserve
  • support Maroochy River Water Ski Association’s continued use of Eudlo Creek as well as access to different sites for competitive activities
  • assess extractive sites as they become available for competitive motorised water sport activities
  • designate Davison Range as the regional facility for long-range shooting disciplines
  • rretain Cooloolabin Range and Davison Range as suitable facilities for a host of regional and potentially state level short-range disciplines
  • advocate and support the safety and improvement of the Cooloolabin and Davison Range facilities.

View the Regional Facilities Plan for Difficult to Locate Sports (PDF, 2635KB).

Where to from here

Council does not have the capacity to solely finance the recommendations from the regional facilities plan for difficult to locate sports. The adoption of the plan provides council and stakeholders a sound base to lobby for funding assistance. This will be conducted in partnership with affiliate groups, the community and council.


For more information, contact council.