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Council endorsed the All Abilities Action Plan 2024-2028 (PDF, 4MB) at its ordinary meeting 16 November 2023. The action plan helps to create a more inclusive region where everyone can participate equally, contribute fully and feel respected and valued, with a sense of belonging.

About the Action Plan

The action plan outlines 4 principles and commitments for how council will implement actions over the next 5 years to build an inclusive, accessible region. Actions are outlined across 5 priority areas. 

The priority areas were developed with input from the all abilities action plan reference group. The reference group was set up for the project and comprised of members of the community with diverse lived experience. Each priority area is also accompanied by a personal story of a person with lived experience.

Council already delivers a range of activities that support inclusive communities and outcomes for people of all abilities. This action plan seeks to recognise that work, but also extend upon this impact by focusing on key initiatives over the next 5 years.

A summary of the current and future actions for each priority area is detailed below.

The 5 priority areas are:

  • awareness and education
  • built environment and public spaces
  • employment and training
  • events and programs
  • participation and communication.

A series of information sheets (PDF, 1.5MB) provide additional information on concepts related to disability and the research that helped inform the new action plan. 

Alternative formats

It is important to council that the action plan is accessible by all members of the community.

The action plan is available in large font/screen reader friendly (PDF, 4.5MB) and easy English (PDF, 6.4MB) versions.

For more information, please contact [email protected].