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The 2009 Queensland Local Government Act requires all councils to have long-term asset management plans that directly link to a long term financial plan and with a minimum timeframe of ten years.

It is council's intention that its asset management will encompass the whole of life sustainability of built and natural environments while ensuring appropriate delivery of council services to the community at the desired level of service. The policy applies to all built and natural assets owned or managed by council.

Council has now developed asset management plans in accordance with the guidelines set out in the International Infrastructure Management Manual 2006 (IIMM 2006). Plans will apply to all built and natural assets under its stewardship.

The asset management plans:

  • identify asset quantities and asset age
  • give consideration to the whole of life costs of the asset and/or service
  • identify existing levels of service and any potential gaps which may exist
  • provide information on current and future maintenance (operational and capital work requirements)
  • identify the level of service that will be delivered by the asset and how the service will be monitored
  • identify funding needs on a short term and long term basis
  • provide guidance to develop programs to optimise the asset value and minimize funding commitments
  • provide the basis for long-term financial planning for assets under the custodianship of council
  • provide an improvement plan to follow.

Council's asset management plans