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The master plan provides a long-term vision (15 year horizon) for the Conondale Memorial Recreation Park consistent with community demand and needs of the clubs and organisations within this locality and the wider region.

Community engagement

Significant community engagement occurred throughout the development of the master plan including state and federal government representatives, local community organisations and adjacent property owners.


The key recommendations of the master plan include:

  • the retention of the Sunshine Coast Motorcycle Club as a tenant of the site
  • enhanced recreational opportunities (i.e. access, shelter, seating etc.) adjacent to Elaman Creek to support passive community use
  • improved community access to the park and creek area
  • improved road access to the site
  • inclusion of signage to acknowledge the site's historical significance
  • improved wayfinding throughout the site.

View the Conondale Memorial Recreational Park Master Plan 2016-2031 (PDF, 5217KB).

Where to from here

The adoption of the master plan will allow opportunities for joint partnerships to deliver on the master plan's recommendations.

The adoption of the master plan will also provide council and stakeholders with a sound base to lobby state and federal governments for funding assistance.

It is acknowledged that council does not have the capacity to solely finance the recommendations from the Conondale Memorial Recreation Park Master Plan.


Sunshine Coast Council committed funds to master plan the site in order to plan effectively and provide a long-term vision for the park.

The park provides open space for formal and informal recreation and has been noted as a site of strategic importance for the sport of motocross in a number of council endorsed plans including the Sunshine Coast Open Space Strategy 2011 and Sunshine Coast Sport and Active Recreation Plan 2011-2026.

The Sunshine Coast Motorcycle Club holds a lease over part of the Conondale memorial recreation park.


For more information, contact council's sport and recreation officer on (07) 5441 8302.