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In December 2017, council adopted the Sunshine Coast Council local government area biosecurity plan in accordance with the requirements of the Queensland Government Biosecurity Act 2014.

The biosecurity plan establishes a framework to support a cooperative and coordinated management approach that focuses available resources at the highest risk invasive plants and animals in order to deliver the most effective outcomes.

The biosecurity plan identifies:

  • 287 invasive plants and animals in the Sunshine Coast local government area
  • 88 of these invasive plants and animals as priorities
  • catchments as the management unit, including the coastal environment (beaches, dunes and adjacent lands) as its own separate management unit
  • five management responses based on the effectiveness of available control measures and the known abundance of each invasive species known to occur in each management unit
  • threats on our local government border, from within broader Queensland and on the Queensland border
  • 11 strategic actions to guide stakeholders in the development of their tailored biosecurity implementation plans.

View the Sunshine Coast Council Local Government Area Biosecurity Plan 2017 (PDF, 11882KB).