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Loo with a View’s cantilevered deck section closed

The Loo with a View’s cantilevered deck section has reached the end of its life and will be closed to public to ensure community safety. Following expert advice, a pedestrian barrier – which will not affect the views – has been installed to restrict access to the front of the cantilevered deck and the area underneath the deck. Our community can still access public toilets and Council staff will continue to monitor and inspect the facility and undertake routine maintenance.

Keep up to date on the Mooloolaba Foreshore Revitalisation Project as it progresses by subscribing for emailed updates.

To assist with sharing two-way information, insights and ideas about the endorsed project, Council has established two community reference groups; a Community Stakeholder Interest Group and a Business Activation Group. More information about the process and groups can be found on the Expression of Interest website.  

To contact the project team, please email: [email protected]
