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Aerial plan of Mooloolaba Foreshore Revitalisation which is being undertaken in four stages.

Sunshine Coast Council is investing in the future of Mooloolaba with a major foreshore revitalisation project to create more beachfront parkland, new community facilities, improve access to the beach and foreshore and enhance coastal protection for the benefit of residents, visitors and businesses.

The Mooloolaba Foreshore Revitalisation Project is an outcome of the 2015 Master Plan. It represents the largest single investment in community parkland, facilities and coastal protection at this popular local and tourism precinct in 25 years.

It is a project required now to renew ageing community infrastructure for one of the Sunshine Coast’s most important tourism destinations and will become increasingly important in preparation for the Olympic and Paralympic Games Brisbane 2032. 

Loo with a View’s cantilevered deck section closed

The Loo with a View’s cantilevered deck section has reached the end of its life and will be closed to public to ensure community safety. Following expert advice, a pedestrian barrier – which will not affect the views – has been installed to restrict access to the front of the cantilevered deck and the area underneath the deck. Our community can still access public toilets and Council staff will continue to monitor and inspect the facility and undertake routine maintenance.

Project timeline

Stage 1, Northern Parkland Completed June 2022

This includes one hectare of revitalised parkland incorporating a raised boardwalk, viewing areas, a playground, accessible coastal pathways, new public amenities, undercover barbeque areas, seating and landscaping.

Stage 2, Central Meeting Place and the Southern Parkland seawall – Construction is expected to start by early 2025. 

The next stage of the foreshore’s revitalisation includes new flowing viewing decks, community parkland and picnic areas, expansive landscaping, public amenities including Changing Places toilet facility, beach showers, terraced seawall and a broad, accessible coastal pathway.

Future stages, Southern Parkland and the Central Parkland – A timeframe or sequencing has not been determined for these stages.

This Mooloolaba Foreshore Revitalisation Project received funding from the Australian Government.

Stage 1, Northern Parkland – Completed June 2022.
Stage 1, Northern Parkland – Completed June 2022.
Stage 2, Central Meeting Place graphical representation of design.
Stage 2, Graphical representation of design of new terraced seawall

Where to from here?

To assist with sharing two-way information, insights and ideas about the endorsed project, Council has established two community reference groups:

  • a Community Stakeholder Interest Group
  • a Business Activation Group

More information about the process and groups can be found on the Expression of Interest website

For information about the foreshore revitalisation including the history of community engagement and construction timeframe see Frequently Asked Questions

Project updates 

To keep up to date on the project as it progresses subscribe for emailed updates.

Stage 1 updates

Contact the project team 

Make sure you keep up-to-date on the Mooloolaba Foreshore Revitalisation Project as it progresses, by subscribing for email updates.

To contact the project team, please email: [email protected]