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With Maroochydore continuing to grow, more workers, residents and visitors are travelling to and from the heart of the Sunshine Coast.

Sunshine Coast Council is planning to widen and upgrade Sugar Road and Maud Street, which together function as one of the main routes into the center of Maroochydore from the south for all modes of transport.  Revamping Sugar Road and Maud Street will create a healthier, user friendly environment.

Project scope

The planned upgrades include:

  • constructing two-way cycle tracks that are separated from the road
  • reinstating and improving pedestrian pathways
  • landscaping both roads
  • installing better street lighting to improve safety
  • widening Sugar Road from 2 to 4 lanes between Wises Road and Dalton Drive
  • widening Maud Street from 2 to 4 lanes between Dalton Drive and Bungama Street
  • upgrading key intersections
  • installing pedestrian and cycle crossings

Project update

Community feedback was sought on the project’s draft concept designs from Friday 18 August 2023 to Friday 15 September 2023.  During the four-week consultation period, Council received feedback via an online survey and comment map, at drop-in community information sessions and through meetings with key stakeholders.

Overall, there was strong support for the project, with more than 80% of online survey respondents supporting upgrading Sugar Road and Maud Street.

Thank you to everyone who provided input and ideas as part of the community consultation program.

You can continue to view the draft concept design on the project on have your say, or subscribe for updates using the button below.

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Project news and updates

January 2024

Where to from here

Feedback received during the community consultation period is now being considered and  an updated concept design will be developed and released in mid 2024.

Detailed design work is anticipated to start soon after with the first stage of construction likely to commence from 2026.


Sugar Road and Maud Street are key access routes with the number of vehicles, pedestrians and riders forecast to increase in the coming decade.

Both Sugar Road and Maud Street are heavily congested during peak hours, with buses, private vehicles and commercial vehicles experiencing long traffic queues and delays. There’s also a lack of safe, off-road walking and riding paths and crossing locations.

Improving road safety for buses, private vehicles, freight and emergency vehicles, reducing congestion and providing safer and more accessible walking and riding paths along this important transit route are top priorities for council.

Council also wants to provide a safe and inclusive environment for walkers, riders and all mobility needs, to improve the area’s connectivity and accessibility.

Council continues to work with the Queensland Government Department of Transport and Main Roads to ensure an integrated outcome at either end of the Sugar Road and Maud Street upgrade so that the roads controlled by different levels of government function as ‘one network’.


For further information, contact council.

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