Landslip repair works - First Bay Coolum
Council is repairing a section of cliff face above the beach at First Bay, Coolum which was damaged during the February and May 2022 flooding events. This repair work will stabilise and strengthen the area affected by the landslip and provide a new path for pedestrians.
Project overview
Numerous public infrastructure assets across the Sunshine Coast were damaged during the February and May 2022 flooding events, including a section of cliff face above the beach at First Bay, Coolum.
Council and qualified contractors are undertaking repair works to stabilise and strengthen the area affected by the landslip and provide a new path for pedestrians.
These landslip repair works are now underway and are scheduled for completion by 30 June 2025, weather permitting.
The works include repairing 145 metres of public footpath on the eastern side of David Low Way at First Bay, Coolum, and stabilising the cliff face above the beach.
The stabilisation works will incorporate cast-in-place piles and capping beams embedded into the slope to provide long-term protection and prevent further movement of the landslip.
The piles will be constructed by driving a closed-ended hollow casing into the ground and then filling it with concrete for stabilisation. The capping beams are made of steel and concrete, connecting the pilings together for added strength.
These works, delivered by Sunshine Coast Council in partnership with contractors, have been jointly funded by Commonwealth-State Disaster Recovery Funding Arrangements.
Project background
Landslips occur when heavy rain saturates soil on a hillside past the point where vegetation can no longer support the soil’s weight against the force of gravity.
In 2022, heavy rainfall caused a section of the top saturated layer of material to slip down the hillside at First Bay, taking large amounts of earth, rock, sand, mud and vegetation downhill. The area was securely fenced off when the landslip occurred.
We have worked with the Queensland Reconstruction Authority (QRA) to secure funding to repair this landslip and other damaged civil assets with assistance from the jointly funded Commonwealth-State Disaster Recovery Funding Arrangements (DRFA).
This is one of 15 landslips across the Sunshine Coast repaired using DRFA funding.
Project area
The works area includes a section of pedestrian footpath and hillside (cliff face) at First Bay, Coolum, adjacent to David Low Way.
An aerial map of the works area and access points is shown below.
Project timeline
These landslip repair works are now underway and are scheduled for completion by 30 June 2025, weather permitting.
Contracted works on site will begin at 7am and finish by 5pm, Monday through Friday (except public holidays).
Works will be staged to ensure maximum safety conditions for users of roads and pedestrian pathways, onsite workers, and contractors.
Completion of these works is dependent on weather and site conditions, with potential unforeseen delays in the event of wet weather.
Works will be paused on public holidays including Monday 27 January, Friday 18 to Monday 21 April, Friday 25 April and Monday 5 May 2025.
Changes to parking
Changes to parking
Several on-street parking bays along David Low Way will be unavailable during the works period. (Refer to aerial map for parking change information.)
This is because the south bound driving lane and south bound parking lane (eastern side of David Low Way adjacent to works area) will be closed for construction works and safety reasons.
The northern bound driving lane and the northern bound parking lane (western side of David Low Way opposite the works area) will remain open to allow continual access for north bound and south bound road traffic on David Low Way adjacent to the works area.
We recognise this may cause frustration for nearby residents and visitors, however these lane adjustments are necessary to ensure the safety of workers and the public, and to provide continued flow of traffic along David Low Way.
We apologise for any inconvenience caused and appreciate your understanding.

Changes to driving lane and parking lane on David Low Way
Changes to driving lane and parking lane on David Low Way
The south bound driving lane and south bound parking lane on the eastern side of David Low Way adjacent to works area will be closed for construction works and safety reasons. (Refer to aerial map for lane change information.)
The north bound driving lane and north bound parking lane will remain open to allow continual access for north bound and south bound road traffic on David Low Way.
On occasion there may be a requirement to pause traffic flow along David Low Way for a short amount of time to facilitate safe movement of machinery.
Please cooperate with directions from traffic controllers for your own safety and the safety of others.
Right turn into Mona Vista Court reinstated
We have listened to community feedback on the right turning facility into Mona Vista Court from David Low Way and have reviewed alternative options with traffic engineers and contractors.
We’re pleased to advise we have established a safe outcome where drivers can still turn right into Mona Vista Court from David Low Way during the repair works.
This means access will now be available for both left turning and right turning into Mona Vista Court. This may result in minor traffic delays north bound and south bound along David Low Way. Please refer to the aerial map below.
Please follow the directions of signage and traffic controllers on site for your own safety and the safety of others.

Changes to car park at Hansen’s Lookout
Changes to car park at Hansen’s Lookout
Pedestrians can still access Hansen's Lookout at the southern end of the works area, however the car parking spaces at Hansen's Lookout will not be available during this work.
The stairs at Beach Access 82 (northern end of works area on eastern side of David Low Way) will be open for access to First Bay beach for recreational purposes.
Pedestrians are asked to follow the directions of traffic controllers and use the provided road crossings to safely cross from one side of David Low Way to the other.
For your safety, please do not climb temporary fencing or access the works area.
Safety advice
For your own safety and the safety of others, please follow signage and instructions from traffic controllers.
Pedestrians are asked to follow temporary changes to accessible walkways and road crossings around the work site.
Sunshine Coast Council has been working with the Queensland Reconstruction Authority (QRA) to secure funding to repair damaged civil assets with assistance from the jointly funded Commonwealth and State Disaster Recovery Funding Arrangements (DRFA).
This is one of 15 landslips across the Sunshine Coast repaired using DRFA funding.
Frequently asked questions
What are the timeframes for work to occur?
What are the timeframes for work to occur?
These landslip repair works started on 20 January 2025 and are scheduled for completion by 30 June 2025, weather permitting.
Contracted works on site will begin at 7am and finish by 5pm, Monday through Friday (except public holidays).
Works will be staged to ensure maximum safety conditions for users of roads and pedestrian pathways, onsite workers, and contractors.
Completion of these works is dependent on weather and site conditions, with potential unforeseen delays in the event of wet weather.
Works will be paused on public holidays including Monday 27 January, Friday 18 to Monday 21 April, Friday 25 April and Monday 5 May 2025.
Will works be stopped on public holidays?
Will works be stopped on public holidays?
Yes, the site will be closed and works will stop on public holidays including:
- Monday 27 January 2025 (Australia Day)
- Friday 18 to Monday 21 April 2025 (Easter Long Weekend)
- Friday 25 April 2025 (ANZAC Day)
- Monday 5 May 2025 (Labour Day).
For your safety, please do not climb temporary fencing or access the works area.
What type of works will be delivered?
What type of works will be delivered?
Council and qualified contractors are undertaking repair works to stabilise and strengthen the area affected by the landslip and provide a new path for pedestrians.
Works include repairing 145 metres of public footpath on the eastern side of David Low Way at First Bay, Coolum, and stabilising the cliff face above the beach.
The stabilisation works will incorporate cast-in-place piles and capping beams embedded into the slope to provide long-term protection and prevent further movement of the landslip.
The piles will be constructed by driving a closed-ended hollow casing into the ground and then filling it with concrete for stabilisation. The capping beams are made of steel and concrete, connecting the pilings together for added strength.
Will there be noise and vibration caused by the works?
Will there be noise and vibration caused by the works?
All care will be taken to minimise disruption as much as possible.
Due to the nature of the works and machinery operation on site, nearby residents and visitors may experience some noise and vibration on occasion. We appreciate your patience and understanding while these repairs are delivered safely and effectively.
Will there be detours or road closures?
Will there be detours or road closures?
The north bound driving lane and north bound parking lane will remain open to allow continual access for north bound and south bound road traffic on David Low Way.
The south bound driving lane and south bound parking lane on the eastern side of David Low Way adjacent to works area will be closed for construction works and safety reasons.
On occasion there may be a requirement to pause traffic flow along David Low Way for a short amount of time to facilitate safe movement of machinery.
Please cooperate with directions from traffic controllers for your own safety and the safety of others.
Real-time traffic information is available on Council’s Roads Hub at
Right turn into Mona Vista Court reinstated
We have listened to community feedback on the right turning facility into Mona Vista Court from David Low Way and have reviewed alternative options with traffic engineers and contractors.
We’re pleased to advise we have established a safe outcome where drivers can still turn right into Mona Vista Court from David Low Way during the repair works.
This means access will now be available for both left turning and right turning into Mona Vista Court.
This may result in minor traffic delays north bound and south bound along David Low Way. Please refer to the aerial map below.
Please follow the directions of signage and traffic controllers on site for your own safety and the safety of others.
What impact will the repair works have on public car parks?
What impact will the repair works have on public car parks?
Several on-street parking bays along David Low Way will be unavailable during the works period.
The south bound driving lane and south bound parking lane (eastern side of David Low Way adjacent to works area) will be closed for construction works and safety reasons.
The north bound driving lane and the north bound parking lane (western side of David Low Way opposite the works area) will remain open to allow continual access for north bound and south bound road traffic on David Low Way adjacent to the works area.
We recognise this may cause frustration for nearby residents and visitors, however these lane adjustments are necessary to ensure the safety of workers and the public, and to provide continued flow of traffic along David Low Way.
We apologise for any inconvenience caused and appreciate your understanding.
Will there be night works?
Will there be night works?
Limited night works will be necessary at the start and end of the project for traffic management and public safety.
This will include setting up road barriers and constructing the accessible ramp and refuge at the corner of Mona Vista Court and David Low Way.
Post construction asphalt paving and line marking works will be undertaken at night for the safety of workers on site (estimated three nights).
Will emergency services vehicles be able to access properties in the vicinity?
Will emergency services vehicles be able to access properties in the vicinity?
Emergency service vehicles requiring access to properties will be facilitated by traffic control services on site.
Property access will be maintained throughout the works, however some minor delays for vehicles and pedestrians may be encountered while machinery is in operation.
Can I access First Bay beach and Hansen's Lookout?
Can I access First Bay beach and Hansen's Lookout?
Yes, pedestrians can access Hansen's Lookout at the southern end of the works area, however the car parking spaces at Hansen's Lookout will not be available during this work.
Throughout the project, beach access to First Bay and Second Bay will be maintained, however First Bay beach access may be temporarily unavailable in the final project stage to allow safe access for machinery
The stairs at Beach Access 82 (northern end of works area on eastern side of David Low Way) will be open for access to First Bay beach for recreational purposes.
Pedestrians are asked to follow the directions of traffic controllers and use the provided road crossings to safely traverse from one side of David Low Way to the other.
For your safety, please do not climb temporary fencing or access the works area.
Will there be pedestrian access along David Low Way?
Will there be pedestrian access along David Low Way?
Yes, there will be temporary pedestrian crossings at the southern and northern end of the works area, allowing safe access to cross from one side of David Low Way to the other.
These pedestrian crossings are necessary to help people safely navigate around the works area.
Please follow the directions of on-site traffic controllers and use the provided road crossings for your own safety and the safety of others.
Should road users allow extra time for potential traffic delays?
Should road users allow extra time for potential traffic delays?
We do not anticipate significant delays to road users, however the posted speed through this section of David Low Way will be reduced from 50kph to 40kph for safety reasons.
Please follow the directions of on-site traffic controllers and signage for your own safety and the safety of others.
Before beginning your journey, we recommend checking Roads Hub for real-time traffic information updated every two minutes at
What safety advice is important for motorists?
What safety advice is important for motorists?
Speeding through roadwork zones can lead to accidents, near-misses, and even death.
When driving near roadworks, please slow down and follow these safety tips:
- Obey speed signs: When you see a roadwork warning sign, reduce your speed to the limit stated on the sign.
- Follow directions: Pay attention to directions from roadworkers and traffic controllers.
- Be prepared to stop: Be ready to stop if needed.
- Look out for roadworkers or pedestrians: Roadworkers or pedestrians may be above, below, or beside the road, or just outside your field of vision.
- Move into the correct lane: Move into the correct lane as soon as possible.
- Drive carefully: Drive very carefully and be aware of your surroundings.
- Follow all signage: Follow all roadwork signage, even if you can't see anyone working on the road.
Will the bushland and trees be reinstated?
Will the bushland and trees be reinstated?
As part of the Development Approval process, Council will implement a full Landslip Flora and Fauna Rehabilitation Plan that will be reviewed and maintained by qualified staff for a three-year period post construction.
Council officers will work in partnership with appointed contractors to undertake audits and assess environmental impacts to flora and fauna to ensure compliance with legislation.
How will Council manage possible impacts to native animals and fauna?
How will Council manage possible impacts to native animals and fauna?
As part of the Development Approval process, Council will implement a full Landslip Flora and Fauna Rehabilitation Plan that will be reviewed and maintained by qualified staff for a three-year period post construction.
Council officers will work in partnership with appointed contractors to undertake audits and assess environmental impacts to flora and fauna to ensure compliance with legislation.
Project updates
You can keep up to date on this project by subscribing here.
Construction notification - 13 January 2025
Feedback can be provided to the project team by emailing [email protected] or calling Customer Contact on (07) 5475 7272 (24 hours, 7 days a week). Please quote project number K3400.
Residents of Division 9 can contact Councillor Maria Suarez by emailing [email protected] and residents of Division 8 can contact Councillor Taylor Bunnag by emailing [email protected]. You can find your divisional location on Council’s website.
Subscribe here for updates on the landslip repair works at First Bay, Coolum.
If you have questions or wish to request further information, please email Council [email protected] or call us on (07) 5475 7272 (24 hours, 7 days a week). Please quote project number K3400.
Real-time traffic information updated every two minutes is available on Council’s Roads Hub at