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The local community’s ideas and aspirations for Cribb Street, Landsborough are becoming a reality with the construction of stage 2 of Cribb Street upgrade now underway.

The project is part of the multi-stage Landsborough Placemaking Master Plan which was designed with extensive consultation with the community. The master plan was endorsed by council in January 2020.

Project update

Stage 2 concept plan (PDF, 199KB) is available to view. Works will include:

  • multiuse covered shelters
  • fenced playground area
  • additional shade trees
  • lawn area for community events
  • improved pathway connections.

Stage 1 plan (PDF, 1458KB) is available to view. Completed works include:

  • footpath widening and new pavement areas - existing paved footpath edging will be renewed, with most existing pavers retained
  • additional landscaping, including new street trees and furniture at key areas
  • raised pedestrian crossings with new lighting
  • parking reconfiguration - parking bays will be changed from parallel to 90-degree parking on the park side of Cribb Street
  • interpretive signage and public artwork
  • overhead power cable bundling.

Where to from here

Construction of stage 2 is now underway, with updates to be provided as the project progresses.

There will be no impacts to on-street parking on Cribb Street during construction. However the work site facilities are located in the adjacent carpark and these parks will be unavailable during construction. 

Local traffic control will be in place at certain times while we install the shade elements, when cranage may be required. These will be infrequent and for a short period of time (hours not days).

We aim to minimise inconvenience to residents and businesses throughout the work.


For information about the project, email [email protected].

To keep up to date on the project as it progresses, you can subscribe to receive project news and updates via email.

This project is proudly funded by the Queensland Government’s South East Queensland Community Stimulus Program in association with Sunshine Coast Council.

We acknowledge $200,000 has been contributed through the Infrastructure Agreement for the Caloundra South development (Aura) to support the development of community infrastructure that will provide benefit to the communities surrounding the Caloundra South development (Aura).