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FormOther formats
Asbestos disposal form (DOCX, 206KB)PDF (172KB)
Online Bin services form - stolen, damaged, new, found, change, cancel
Charity exemption waste fees form (DOCX, 294KB)PDF (196KB)
Clean fill assessment form (DOCX, 931KB)PDF (307KB)
Online Education program form - Community 
Online Education program form - Early learning centres 
Online Education program form - Primary schools
Online Education program form - Secondary schools
Online Empty my bin form - missed bins and extra services
Infirm household domestic waste collection form (DOCX, 200KB)PDF (175KB)
Special waste disposal form (DOCX, 205KB)PDF (204KB)
Waste service exemption form (DOCX, 200KB)PDF (144KB)

View all waste and recycling fact sheets.
