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Bin typeBin sizeAnnual charge 01/07/2024
Residential service

Waste bin: general - KERBSIDE + 240L or 360L recycle bin service140L$358.60

Waste bin: general - ON PROPERTY + 240L or 360L recycle bin service140L$455.90

Waste bin: general - LOW NOISE + recycle bin660L$1,524.60

Waste bin: general - BULK + recycle bin1m³$1,937.10



Waste bin: garden - KERBSIDE*240L$76.00
Waste bin: garden - ON PROPERTY*240L$100.00
Waste bin: garden - LOW NOISE*660L$204.00

Non-residential service

Waste bin: general - KERBSIDE + 240L or 360L recycle bin service140Ln/a

Waste bin: general - ON PROPERTY + 240L or 360L recycle bin service140Ln/a

Waste bin: general - LOW NOISE660L$1,428.40

Waste bin: general - BULK1m³$2,047.20




Waste bin: general - COMPACTOR17m³$72,466.10


Waste bin: garden - KERBSIDE*240L$76.00
Waste bin: garden - ON PROPERTY*240L$100.00
Waste bin: garden - LOW NOISE*660L$204.00

Waste bin: recycle - KERBISDE#240L$49.20

Waste bin: recycle - ON PROPERTY#240L$61.50

Waste bin: recycle - LOW NOISE#660L$383.60

Waste bin: recycle - BULK#1m³$418.00




Waste bin: recycle - COMPACTOR23m³$18,916.50
Waste bin: cardboard recycle - BULK**#1m³$221.70




Waste bin: cardboard recycle - COMPACTOR38m³$14,743.60

* Garden waste bins are serviced fortnightly therefore only 50% of annual charge applies

**Cardboard recycle bulk bin services must be authorised by Waste and Resource Management

# Recycle bin services available weekly (full cost) and fortnightly (50% of annual charge applies)


Residential properties

  1. Council has determined, on application, to make available at no additional charge a 240L or 360L recycle bin, collected fortnightly, for each 140L or 240L waste bin at the premises. Council may, at its discretion, provide a recycle low noise bin or recycle bulk bin service of equivalent capacity to the capacity of the entitled recycle wheelie bin(s) at no additional charge.
  2. Council has determined, on application, to make available at no additional charge a recycle bin service of the same or similar capacity to each waste low noise or waste bulk bin service at the premises.

Non-residential properties

  1. Council has determined, on application, to make available at no additional charge a 240L or 360L recycle bin service for each 140L or 240L waste bin service at the premises in accordance with Section 5.1.10.
  2. Premises with a bulk bin service that require a recycle bin will be charged in accordance with Section 5.1.10.
  3. For strata/group titled mixed use premises consisting of both residential and non-residential units sharing waste services, council will make available a recycle bin service of the same or similar capacity to the waste bin service in accordance with charges in Section 5.1.9.
  4. Premises with a waste compactor bin service that require a recycle bin service will be charged in accordance with Section 5.1.10.


  1. A maximum weight of 80kg applies to all 140L, 240L and 360L waste, recycle and garden waste service.
  2. A maximum weight of 200kg per m³ or per 1000L applies to all bulk and low noise bin services i.e. waste, recycle, garden waste and cardboard.
  3. Each property may have an optional 240L garden waste bin which is serviced fortnightly; therefore only 50% of annual charge applies. Service cancellations may be requested at any time; however a pro rata refund will not be made (no refund applies for service cancelled within a rating period).

Maroochydore City Centre Priority Development Area - refer to Waste and Resource Management List of Waste Charges (PDF, 254KB).