Growing sustainably
Protecting what we love while our region grows.
A growing region
The Sunshine Coast is a popular place - it always has been. The historic growth of the Sunshine Coast is continuing, with more people coming here for work and business, as well as to enjoy the climate, beaches, waterways, hinterland and rainforests we love.
Council can’t stop people moving here, but we can balance the need for new housing and workplaces by protecting what we love about our region.
A clear vision, careful planning and good design can safeguard a place from changing in negative ways. If nothing is done, population growth can result in more traffic, higher housing prices and a loss of local identity.
Growing sustainably takes a clear vision and careful planning
To prepare for a Sunshine Coast in 2046, we need to look to the future and start planning for the next phase of growth now. We need to plan for those who currently live here as well as for approximately 219,100 additional residents forecast by 2046.
Sunshine Coast Council has a clear vision for managing growth that is reflected in our Corporate plan, regional strategies and current planning scheme. The new planning scheme will build on this strong policy framework, set the vision for the Sunshine Coast in 2046 and guide growth and development to help achieve that vision.
Growing sustainably - your questions answered (PDF, 2017KB).
So the Sunshine Coast is growing…

Click on the links below to find out more.
History of our growing region
History of our growing region
The Sunshine Coast local government area is located on Kabi Kabi peoples’ and Jinibara peoples’ traditional lands. The Kabi Kabi peoples’ and Jinibara peoples’ connection with the Sunshine Coast stretches back to time immemorial. It remains their home, a fundamental part of their identity and provides spiritual nourishment.
The Sunshine Coast is also home for other Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples who have moved to the region over time and generations. The contributions of Traditional Custodians and their partnership with council and the broader community will continue to play a pivotal role in shaping the identity of the region.
The first European settlement on the Sunshine Coast occurred in the mid-1800s with the establishment of farms, a timber industry and the region’s oldest hinterland towns.
The 1960s saw the initial rapid growth of the coastal areas.
By 1980, the population of the Sunshine Coast was close to 70,000 residents and growth accelerated again in the 1980s and 1990s as the region was recognised as one of Australia’s most attractive lifestyle destinations.
As people continue to be attracted to the Sunshine Coast as a highly desirable place to live and invest, our population will continue to grow. The Sunshine Coast’s population has grown consistently at a rate of around 2.5% since the 1970s. Over the past 20 years, the population has grown by 125,500 residents. For the past 10 years, between 6,800 and 8,800 additional residents have come to the Sunshine Coast every year.
The current population of the Sunshine Coast is approximately 346,600 residents. The population is forecast to grow by approximately 219,100 residents to reach approximately 565,700 residents by 2046 (South East Queensland Regional Plan 2023).

Opportunities growth has brought to the region
Opportunities growth has brought to the region
Since the late 1990s, growth has generated notable new investments in major infrastructure on the Sunshine Coast, including the new international runway at the Sunshine Coast Airport, the University of the Sunshine Coast, Sunshine Coast Stadium and the Sunshine Coast University Hospital. These, as well as other new investments (such as the new Maroochydore City Centre) form part of our region’s major development projects, which are showcased in the video below.
Key services and infrastructure supporting our community as we grow
These, as well as other new investments (such as the new Maroochydore city centre) form part of our region’s major development projects, which are showcased in the video below.
Forecast population growth
Forecast population growth
The population on the Sunshine Coast is forecast to grow from approximately 346,600residents in 2021 to approximately 567,500 residents in 2046. This forecast population is based on the South East Queensland Regional Plan 2023 projections.
The State Government, through the South East Queensland Regional Plan 2023 (SEQRP 2023) sets the region-wide plan for managing forecast population growth. Using 2021 dwelling numbers as a base, SEQRP 2023 identifies that 80,000 new dwellings will be required on the Sunshine Coast by 2046.
Sunshine Coast Council is required under legislation to ensure that the new planning scheme reflects SEQRP 2023, including by showing how the new planning scheme will manage the forecast population growth and dwelling supply.
Planning for our growing population
Planning for our growing population
There is already clearly defined state, regional and local planning strategies in place that will guide the policy and growth management direction for our new planning scheme.
As detailed in forecast population growth above, the State Government SEQRP 2023 establishes the region wide policy framework for managing growth on the Sunshine Coast. SEQRP 2023 sets boundaries for urban growth by defining an urban footprint and rural residential growth by defining a rural living area.
Approximately 14.5% of the Sunshine Coast is currently included in the urban footprint. Major urban uses or subdivisions are generally not permitted to occur outside of the urban footprint.
SEQRP 2023 also seeks to use land more efficiently by promoting growth policies which support a greater level of consolidation (infill development) over urban expansion (greenfield development). An increased emphasis on infill development recognises that continued urban expansion at the edge of existing communities could have significant negative consequences for the sustainability of the SEQ region as a whole.
Under the dwelling supply targets in SEQRP 2023, the Sunshine Coast Region must plan for an additional 84,800 dwellings (from 2021), to accommodate a total of 232,000 dwellings by 2046. SEQRP 2023 provides that across South East Queensland, a minimum of 60% of the total dwellings are to be provided via consolidation and 40% by expansion. The aim of this policy is to slow the rate of urban sprawl and to protect important greenspaces, rural landscapes and inter-urban breaks.
The new planning scheme will build on the strong foundation for growth management in the current Sunshine Coast Planning Scheme 2014 in meeting SEQRP 2023 dwelling supply targets to 2046.
Protecting our environment and achieving quality design
Protecting our environment and achieving quality design
The Sunshine Coast is a special place to live. We all love and enjoy the climate, relaxed outdoor lifestyle, vibrant and unique communities, and distinctive natural landscapes.
Through proactive planning, led by planning documents such as the new planning scheme, we can protect and enhance the things we value about our region, and we can ensure that both the natural and built environment supports our vision for the region’s future.
Council’s corporate plan and endorsed strategies provide a strong policy framework for the new planning scheme.
The Environment and Liveability Strategy sets strategic directions to guide the actions of council and its partners to ensure a healthy environment and liveable Sunshine Coast to 2041. Important elements include the Blue Heart, the Regional Inter-Urban Break, the Lower Mooloolah River Greenspace and the Coastline and Mountain View Greenspaces.
The Sunshine Coast Design Book sets the framework for achieving quality place based design outcomes on the Sunshine Coast. The book includes 10 design principles based on what our community values about the Sunshine Coast.
The draft new planning scheme seeks to integrate council’s endorsed strategies with land use planning.
Our plan for transport
Our plan for transport
The new planning scheme will manage future growth and development across the Sunshine Coast. Being able to move around the Sunshine Coast easily and conveniently as we grow is an important part of maintaining our way of life and promoting a sustainable future for the generations to come.
Council’s Corporate Plan and endorsed strategies provide a strong policy framework for the new planning scheme.
The new planning scheme will seek to integrate council’s endorsed Sunshine Coast Integrated Transport Strategy, which outlines the policy direction for transport in the region. The integrated transport strategy responds to the challenges and opportunities facing our region and outlines our vision to address the Sunshine Coast’s transport needs.
For further details, read the Sunshine Coast Integrated Transport Strategy and watch our public transport infrastructure video.
Preserving our lifestyle and what we love about the Sunshine Coast
Preserving our lifestyle and what we love about the Sunshine Coast
Our new planning scheme will set the vision for the Sunshine Coast in 2046 and guide the way we grow and develop as a region. By planning well, we can protect the places we love and maintain the lifestyle we enjoy. Some of the key considerations in planning for our growing population as part of the new planning scheme project are outlined below.
- using land more efficiently and protecting our rural and natural landscapes by ensuring that new development does not continually expand into these valuable areas
- providing opportunities for urban renewal and revitalisation
- providing more housing choice and affordable living to meet the varied and changing needs and lifestyle of our residents
- ensuring the provision of infrastructure and utilities keep pace with growth.
- promoting a strong economy that is diverse, resilient and globally oriented to support the current and future generations of the region
- creating employment opportunities
- ensuring sufficient land is available for employment generating activities.
- protecting our native plants and animals and the habitats, waterways and wetlands that support them
- preserving the capacity of the natural environment to function and provide critical ecosystem services such as clean air and water
- responding and adapting to climate change
- improving resilience to natural hazards including flood, bushfire, land slide and coastal hazard.
- maintaining a ‘community of communities’ that recognises the unique character and identity of the individual communities across the region
- maintaining our lifestyle
- encouraging development that works with the local climate and landscape
- creating communities that are accessible and inclusive
- creating great streets and public spaces
- ensuring health, education, recreation and social services, are distributed across the region to support the needs of the community
- protecting the cultural heritage and recognising the identity, values and aspirations of the traditional custodians as well as historic (post-contact) cultural heritage.
- improving connectivity by providing improved transport options (private vehicle, public transport, walking and cycling networks) and ease of access to key locations in the region
- integrating land use and infrastructure provision so that more people are more connected and have more access to the services they need
- improving digital connectivity.
For more information
New Sunshine Coast Planning Scheme Project contacts and project updates.
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If you have any questions about the new Sunshine Coast planning scheme project, you can contact the Project Team by:
- emailing [email protected], or
- calling (07) 5420 8953.