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Council's infrastructure charges resolution has been amended with the adoption of the Sunshine Coast Regional Council Infrastructure Charges Resolution (No. 9) 2022 .

The Resolution has been adopted in accordance with the requirements of the Planning Act 2016 and the Planning Regulation 2017.

It sets out certain requirements for new development to pay infrastructure charges for the following council controlled trunk infrastructure networks:

  • transport
  • parks and land for community facilities
  • stormwater.

Refer to Unitywater’s infrastructure charges schedule for information on charges for water supply and sewerage trunk networks.

In addition to specifying charge rates, the Resolution also deals with other matters relevant to the adopted infrastructure charges such as:

  • the charges breakup between council and Unitywater
  • credits for existing lawful development or for previous contribution payments
  • establishment costs for determining offsets and refunds for trunk infrastructure that is provided by development
  • conversion criteria for non-trunk infrastructure.

The latest amendments to the Resolution are summarised as follows:

  • a reduction in the adopted charge rate for "each suite with 1 bedroom" and, additionally, for each "bedroom that is not part of a suite:" in table 13.1 for long-term accommodation uses such as community residence and rooming accommodation uses
  • administrative correction to the unit of measure in table 13.1 for "community residence” and “rooming accommodation" uses
  • removal of retirement facilities from note (3) table 13.1, therefore removing the 30% reduction to the charge for the roads and parks proportion of council’s charge for retirement facilities
  • addition of a function facility charge rate associated with a “resort complex” development, together with associated administrative clarification provided
  • updates to the other adopted charge rates to be consistent with the current prescribed amounts stated in schedule 16 of Planning Regulation 2017. (with the exception of previously adopted lower charge rates, which have been indexed).

The Resolution has effect on and from Monday 28 March 2022.

Development applications decided on or after this date will have infrastructure charges applied in accordance with the Infrastructure Charges Resolution (No. 9) 2022.

More information

For more information about making payments, refer to the infrastructure charges for development fact sheet (DOC, 2.3MB).