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1. What should I do if I've forgotten my password?

1. What should I do if I've forgotten my password?

You can reset your password from the Login screen:

  • Select (Forgot your password?) located next to Password
  • A Reset your password screen will open
  • Enter your Email Address
  • Click Send verification code, don't close this screen
  • Check your email for a verification code

Note: If you can't see your verification email, check in your spam/junk folder. If you don't receive it, select the Send new code option.

  • Enter the code emailed in the Reset your password screen
  • Select Verify
  • Click Continue.

You can now set a new password.

2. What should I do if I can't access my email account anymore?

2. What should I do if I can't access my email account anymore?

If you can't access your email account to reset a forgotten password, you can complete the online support council website form.

Please provide your previous email address used to initially sign up and the new email address.

A council officer will get back to you within 3 working days.

3. How do I report an issue or error I encounter in MyCouncil?

3. How do I report an issue or error I encounter in MyCouncil?
  • Select Access MyCouncil Services, which is located on the Other Online Services tile
  • Select Report a Data Issue from the Customer Requests menu on the left hand side of your screen
  • Select what the issue/error relates to
  • Complete the form with related details about the issue/error
  • Attach a document where applicable. For example: if you have a screen shot of the error message
  • Click Submit.

You can also use Report a Data Issue to request access to more functions or amalgamate your records if you are unable to verify.

If you can’t access MyCouncil, you can complete the online support council website form. A council officer will get back to you within 3 working days.

4. What should I do if I had a problem making a payment?

4. What should I do if I had a problem making a payment?
  • Note the error message and time it occurred
  • Check your email account for a receipt of payment
  • Check your bank account to see if the payment was successful. Depending on your bank, payments may not appear immediately or appear as a pending transaction
  • If no payment or receipt is showing, you can either:
  • Include noted details of the error and if you would like a confirmation of payment.

If you have any more payments to make in the meantime, we recommend trying a different internet browser.

5. Is there any payments I can't make through MyCouncil?

5. Is there any payments I can't make through MyCouncil?

Currently there is no payment facility for:

  • infrastructure contributions
  • cash bonds.

Please refer to correspondence you have received from council for the other payment options available to you.

6. I made a payment more than once, how do I notify council?

6. I made a payment more than once, how do I notify council?

You can request a refund in writing or by email, please include:

  • Council's reference number you over paid
  • Details of your payments
  • Your contact information
  • Details of any issue or error you may have encountered at the time, where applicable.

One of council's officer will be in contact once the matter has been investigated.

7. I changed my legal name, how do I update my account?

7. I changed my legal name, how do I update my account?

This service is not available currently in MyCouncil.

You can complete a change of name notification form with the relevant supporting documentation.

8. I have more than two dashboards, how do view and/or delete the others?

8. I have more than two dashboards, how do view and/or delete the others?

If you have more than a personal and business dashboard added, click on the More tab to view the others.

All dashboards need verifying individually.

If you have added duplicate dashboards:

  • Select the duplicate dashboard
  • Scroll to the bottom of the dashboard
  • Click Remove this Dashboard
  • Select Yes to confirm you want to remove the dashboard
  • Repeat process for any other duplicate dashboards you may have.