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1. How do I get access to lodge a private certifier building application?

1. How do I get access to lodge a private certifier building application?

For existing customers:

  • Select + Add existing applications to your list which is located on the Private Building Certifier Applications tile on your business dashboard
  • Enter a valid council application number you have previously submitted in the Reference number field
  • Enter your Date of Birth
  • Click Verify.

Provided you have used an existing number you will gain access to the private certifier applications, this can be confirmed by selecting + Submit a new notice of engagement which is located on the Private Building Certifier Applications tile.

In MyCouncil Services, the Private Certifier Applications menu will be available on the left hand side with a Submit Engagement and Search Existing option.

For new customers:

  • Select + Submit a new application which is located on the Private Building Certifier Applications tile on your business dashboard
  • Read, then tick to agree to the terms and conditions and select Continue
  • Select Click here (located at the top banner) to request access to lodge your private certifier application
  • Enter any further information about your required access into the eRequest and select Submit.

Note: Only verified business users who are building certifiers can lodge private certifier building applications. Applications attached to customer eRequests will not be accepted.

2. How do I lodge a private certifier building application?

2. How do I lodge a private certifier building application?

Depending on the building application stage, you can use either the Submit Engagement or Search Existing options under the Private Certifier Applications menu.

Submit Engagement is used only for notice of engagement.

Search Existing is used for:

  • Viewing applications submitted
  • Amending notice of engagements
  • Lodging documents
  • Additional documents i.e. amendments
  • Final certificates, including certificate of occupancy
  • Change of builder updates
  • Discontinuations, including lapsing
  • Change of approvals.

3. How do I submit a notice of engagement?

3. How do I submit a notice of engagement?

To submit a notice of engagement:

  • Select + Submit a new notice of engagement, which is located on the Private Builder Certifier Applications tile on your business dashboard

Alternatively, if you are already in MyCouncil Services:

  • Locate the Private Certifier Applications menu on the left hand side
  • Click on Submit Engagement
  • Enter the Property information (lot, plan type and plan number)
  • Select Add Property
  • Enter the Notice of Engagement information (engagement date, certifier reference and brief description of works - this must contain all building work in the application).
  • For replacement certifiers, select Yes when prompted and add a note in the brief description of works that this is a replacement certifier application. For example: dwelling (replacement certifier). Council will update the application status to 'approved' to enable lodgement of the final certificate or certificate of occupancy
  • Click on Submit.

A confirmation screen with your council reference number will appear and advising notification has been sent to your email address.

If you are ready to submit your approval/refusal documentation, click the Lodge Documents link to proceed.

4. How do I amend a notice of engagement?

4. How do I amend a notice of engagement?

To submit an amended notice of engagement:

  • Select > Search or update existing applications, which is located on the Private Building Certifier Applications tile
    • Alternatively, if you are already in MyCouncil Services, locate the Private Certifier Applications menu on the left hand side and click on Search Existing
  • Enter the relevant criteria in one or more of the search option fields or search by stage, and then click Search Applications
  • Locate the correct application
  • In the Actions column, click Change Engagement
  • Enter the amended details (description of works, engagement date and/or certifier reference number)
  • There are two options to choose from upon completing all the sections:
    • Change Engagement and Return to Search Results - enables to continue to search for applications to update
    • Change Engagement and View Details - opens the full application details to view.

A confirmation notification will be sent to your email address.

The following updates can only be received by email, post or in person:

  • additional land/property information
  • cancellations of duplicate applications.

5. How do I submit a notice of discontinuance and/or lapsing?

5. How do I submit a notice of discontinuance and/or lapsing?

To submit a notice of discontinuance:

  • Select > Search or update existing applications, which is located on the Private Building Certifier Applications tile
    • Alternatively, if you are already in MyCouncil Services, locate the Private Certifier Applications menu on the left hand side and click on Search Existing
  • Enter the relevant criteria in one or more of the search option fields or search by stage, and then click Search Applications
  • Locate the correct application
  • In the Actions column, click Discontinue
  • Enter the Disengage Details (disengagement date and if the application is being lapsed)
  • Browse and select the applicable documentation. Note: the file format must be PDF
  • Click on Upload Document
  • Repeat as required for all relevant documentation. Note: a limit of 10 files with a size of up to 50MB (each document) applies
  • Click on Discontinue and Return to Search Results.

A confirmation notification will be sent to your email address.

6. How do I lodge approval/refusal documentation?

6. How do I lodge approval/refusal documentation?

To lodge approval/refusal documentation:

  • Select > Search or update existing applications, which is located on the Private Building Certifier Applications tile
    • Alternatively, if you are already in MyCouncil Services, locate the Private Certifier Applications menu on the left hand side and click on Search Existing
  • Enter the relevant criteria in one or more of the search option fields or search by stage, and then click Search Applications
  • Locate the correct application
  • In the Actions column, click Lodge
  • Enter the Description (decision made, decision date, estimated cost, full description of work and if a tenancy/shop fitout)
  • Enter the Builder (specify if owner builder and builder name)
  • Enter the Construction Details
  • Browse and select the applicable documentation. Note: the file format must be PDF
  • Click on Upload Document
  • Repeat as required for all relevant documentation. Note: a limit of 10 files with a size of up to 50MB (each document) applies
  • Upon completion of all fields, click on Lodge Documents and Proceed to Checkout. This opens the shopping cart to begin the process of making payment of your lodgement fee. Note: you will not be able to update the application further until payment has been made
  • Once you get to the payment confirmation screen, enter your email address and click Email. This will ensure you receive a copy as receipt of payment.

A confirmation notification of submission will be sent to your email address upon payment.

Note: no further actions can be made after submission of application refusals.

7. How do I add payment to my cart?

7. How do I add payment to my cart?

To add payment to your cart:

  • Select $ Make a Payment, which is located on the Other Online Services tile
  • Locate the Payments menu on the left hand side
  • Click on Application Payment
  • Enter the relevant council application reference number into Application/Licence Renewal Number, and then click Next
  • The invoice details with the outstanding amount will display, review and then click Next
  • This will add the application to your Payment Cart, ready for you to click Proceed to go to checkout
  • Once you get to the payment confirmation screen, enter your email address and click Email. This will ensure you receive a copy as receipt of payment.

8. How do I submit additional documentation?

8. How do I submit additional documentation?

To submit additional documents, such as amended plans or reports not included with submission of lodgement documents:

  • Select > Search or update existing applications, which is located on the Private Building Certifier Applications tile
    • Alternatively, if you are already in MyCouncil Services, locate the Private Certifier Applications menu on the left hand side and click on Search Existing
  • Enter the relevant criteria in one or more of the search option fields or search by stage, and then click Search Applications
  • Locate the correct application
  • In the Actions column, click Add Documents
  • Browse and select the applicable documentation. Note: the file format must be PDF
  • Click the Upload Document
  • Repeat as required for all relevant documentation. Note: a limit of 10 files with a  size of up to 50MB (each document) applies
  • There are two options to choose from upon completing all the sections:
    • Add Docs and Return to Search Results - enables to continue to search for approvals to update
    • Add Docs and View Details - opens the full application details to view.

A confirmation notification will be sent to your email address upon submission.

Note: the Add Documents action cannot be used to submit a change of approval, this is a separate action called Change Approval.

9. How do I submit a change of a approval?

9. How do I submit a change of a approval?

To submit a change approval:

  • Select > Search or update existing applications, which is located on the Private Building Certifier Applications tile
    • Alternatively, if you are already in MyCouncil Services, locate the Private Certifier Applications menu on the left hand side and click on Search Existing
  • Enter the relevant criteria in one or more of the search option fields or search by stage, and then click Search Applications
  • Locate the correct application
  • In the Actions column, click Change Approval
  • Enter the Amendments(amendment date, estimated cost and brief description of amendment)
  • Enter the Builder(specify if owner builder and builder name)
  • Select all applicable additional building types for the application after the Primary Building Type. Note: the primary building type cannot be changed
  • Enter the Construction Details
  • Browse and select the applicable documentation. Note: the file format must be PDF
  • Click the Upload Document
  • Repeat as required for all relevant documentation. Note: a limit of 10 files with a size of up to 50MB (each document) applies
  • There are two options to choose from upon completing all the sections:
    • Amend Application and Return to Search Results - enables to continue to search for approvals to update
    • Amend Application and View Details - opens the full application details to view.

A confirmation notification will be sent to your email address upon submission.

10. How do I change a builder on an application?

10. How do I change a builder on an application?

To change a builder:

  • Select > Search or update existing applications, which is located on the Private Building Certifier Applications tile
    • Alternatively, if you are already in MyCouncil Services, locate the Private Certifier Applications menu on the left hand side and click on Search Existing
  • Enter the relevant criteria in one or more of the search option fields or search by stage, and then click Search Applications
  • Locate the correct application
  • In the Actions column, click Change Builder
  • Enter the Builder(specify if owner builder and builder name)
  • There are two options to choose from upon completing all sections
    • Change Builder and Return to Search Results - enables to continue to search for approvals to update
    • Change Builder and View Details - opens the full application details to view.

Note: if the owner builder has recently purchased the property and not available in the list, select the Other option available under registered builder name.

11. How do I lodge final documentation?

11. How do I lodge final documentation?

To lodge a final certificate and/or certificate of occupancy:

  • Select > Search or update existing applications, which is located on the Private Building Certifier Applications tile
    • Alternatively, if you are already in MyCouncil Services, locate the Private Certifier Applications menu on the left hand side and click on Search Existing
  • Enter the relevant criteria in one or more of the search option fields or search by stage, and then click Search Applications
  • Locate the correct application
  • In the Actions column, click Finalise
  • Enter the Certificate and Inspection Details (type of certificate/s issued, inspection date/s of stages, issue date/s and if it is the last certification to be issued on the approval)
  • Browse and select the applicable documentation. Note: the file format must be PDF
  • Click the Upload Document
  • Repeat as required for all relevant documentation. Note: a limit of 10 files with a size of up to 50MB (each document) applies
  • There are two options to choose from upon completing all the sections:
    • Finalise Application and Return to Search Results - enables to continue to search for approvals to update
    • Finalise Application and View Details - opens the full application details to view.

A confirmation notification will be sent to your email address upon submission.

Note: you cannot make any changes after you submit the last certificate for the approval.

12. How do I submit other updates to an application?

12. How do I submit other updates to an application?

The following building application stages can be lodged through MyCouncil for properties in the Sunshine Coast Council area:

  • notice of engagement
  • approval/refusal documentation
  • final inspection certificate, and
  • certificate of occupancy.

The following updates can only be received by email, post or in person:

  • show cause or enforcement notices.