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A community is defined as “a group of people living in the same place or having a particular characteristic in common.” We form communities not just to connect and belong: in a contemporary context, a connected and inclusive community can be an essential part of our social and emotional wellbeing.

A strong community is a place where people consistently do a variety of simple things together that give them opportunities to connect with others, building trust and social connection. A strong community feels empowered to respond to local issues together. This web of trusting relationships fosters greater connection, collaboration, innovation and strengthens resilience.

The Community Strategy

The Community Strategy replaces the Sunshine Coast Social Strategy 2015, which had a five year outlook from 2015 to 2019. The Community Strategy provides a longer-term framework for how council and our community will work together to advance our shared goal for a strong community through to 2041. The framework says what we will (and can) do as a local government, and how we will go about doing it.

Specifically, the purpose of the community strategy is to:

  • empower our community to live healthy and active lifestyles
  • focus on ensuring community places and spaces are vibrant, inclusive, accessible, adaptable and meet the needs of people of all ages, abilities and backgrounds
  • strengthen connection, inclusion and opportunity for all people in our community
  • build capacity in our communities to be connected, resilient and to respond to local issues
  • nurture creative and innovative approaches to building a strong community.

A clear story of what a strong community means for the Sunshine Coast emerged from insights our community shared with us. This shaped our vision - together we thrive - and informed our commitment to five outcomes we seek to achieve by 2041.

These outcomes are:

  • Healthy and active communities
  • Vibrant communities
  • Inclusive communities
  • Connected and resilient communities
  • Creative and innovative communities.

Council's commitment to First Nations partnerships

The Sunshine Coast Council Local Government Area is located on the traditional lands of the Kabi Kabi First Nation peoples and the Jinibara First Nation peoples.

We recognise and pay respect to their Elders, past, present and emerging, for their cultural beliefs and ongoing relationship with the land.

When council launched its first Reconciliation Action Plan (RAP) in 2011, we were the first local government in Queensland to have developed its plan in partnership with Reconciliation Australia.

Council supports and encourages building community with First Nations people including through a number of policies, programs and events:

First Nations committees and groups

Council is committed to authentic and meaningful partnerships with community. Supporting the Community Strategy and Reconciliation Action Plan, council is participating in the following committees and groups:

More information

Customer enquiries relating to the region’s Traditional Custodians, council’s Reconciliation Action Plan or other First Nations projects supported by council, can be emailed to the First Nations Partnerships team.