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Council has a time-saving, easy-to-use alternative for:

  • managing plumbing inspection bookings
  • uploading inspection documents, and
  • lodging form 7s.

This service is free of charge and you can access on any device 24/7.

Register to use

New users need to register first, to start using our online system.


Some of the features available online:

  • book, change and cancel inspection bookings
  • lodge an electronic form 7 to start or end responsibility, or become a new responsible person
  • view completed inspections and results
  • upload inspection documents
  • view your approved documents, action notices or final inspection certificates. (Issued from December 2022) .

This system is available for plumbers working in the region. Find out how to use the online inspection booking system.

More information


Related pages


Plumbing inspections

What you need before booking a plumbing inspection. How to book, fact sheets and form.

Plumbing inspections