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Battery Hill, Caloundra, Caloundra West, Dicky Beach, Golden Beach, Kings Beach, Little Mountain, Moffat Beach, Pelican Waters, Shelly Beach.

View the Division 2 boundary map (PDF, 1.31MB).

Portfolio - resilient economy

  • Economic Development
  • Industry and local business development
  • Investment attraction and facilitation
  • Innovation
  • Tourism and major events

Council positions

  • Director: Sunshine Coast Events Centre Pty Ltd 
  • Member: Sunshine Coast Events Board
  • Member: Caloundra Transport Corridor Upgrade Project Control Group 
  • Member: Regional Pathways Project Control Group
  • Member: Honey Farm Road Project Control Group
  • Member: Coastal Planning & Hazard Management Project Control Group
  • Member: Sunshine Coast Public Transport Project (Detailed Business Case) Project Control Group
  • Member: Resource Recovery (Steering Committee)
  • Member: Workplaces and Activations Project Control Group
  • Member: Biosphere Project Control Group

Areas of interest in council

  • Economic development
  • Local business support
  • Sport
  • Support for community groups
  • Indigenous support
  • Planning and development.

Community groups

  • Australian Pensioners & Superannuants League Caloundra
  • Caloundra Committee Services to the Ageing
  • Caloundra Men's Shed
  • Caloundra Residents Association
  • Caloundra Woodworking Group
  • Diamond Head Neighbours
  • Friends of the Caloundra Lighthouses Inc
  • Friends Regional Gallery Inc
  • Gateway Care
  • Golden Beach & Pelican Waters Community Association Inc
  • Lions Club of Caloundra
  • Neighbourhood Watch Golden Beach
  • Neighbourhood Watch Pelican Waters Caloundra 4
  • Rotary Club of Caloundra
  • Rotary Club of Caloundra Pacific
  • Wildlife Preservation Society Sunshine Coast and Hinterland.


  • Caloundra Cricket Club
  • Caloundra Little Athletics
  • Caloundra Mallet Sports Club
  • Caloundra Seahawks Hockey Club
  • Ithaca Caloundra City Life Saving Club
  • Metropolitan Caloundra Surf Life Saving Club (Vice Patron)
  • Sunshine Coast Yacht Club.

Contact details

Cr Landsberg's office is located at Omrah Avenue, Caloundra.

If you would like to meet with Cr Landsberg, please call to arrange an appointment.

Phone:      (07) 5420 8965
Mobile:     0418 348 896
Email:       [email protected]
Online form: Contact your local councillor

For after hours emergencies, contact council.