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Join up to 50 other local First Nations businesses and representatives from the business community to connect and discover opportunities.

By attending you have the opportunity to:

  • connect to local businesses community, including buyers, government and other local First Nations suppliers
  • promote your business on the day and through council's website
  • access and learn more about support available 
  • display or sell your product or service at the night market.

Event background

As the oldest continuing culture on earth, First Nations people were the first builders and engineers, the first inventors and scientists, the first agriculturalists and environmentalists, the first healers, and the first navigators and astronomers.

Despite the challenges within contemporary Australia, First Nations people use their ingenuity and ancient knowledge systems to continue cultural practices that both support economy and build community.

One of the key objectives of the Sunshine Coast First Nations supplier day is to establish a platform to showcase local First Nations businesses and their ongoing contributions to the economic sustainability of the Sunshine Coast region.

By creating and nurturing relationships between First Nations suppliers, government, and businesses, the event aims to support a strong and resilient community which prioritises local First Nations businesses as the suppliers of choice.

More information

Customer enquiries relating to the region’s Traditional Custodians, council’s Reconciliation Action Plan or other First Nations projects supported by council, can be emailed to the First Nations Partnerships team.