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Council can FastTrack your low risk development applications. Once lodged, FastTrack applications are usually completed within twenty (20) business days.

FastTrack eligibility

FastTrack eligibility

Low risk, code assessable development types are eligible for FastTrack assessment.

Your application must:

  • not be a result of compliance or enforcement action
  • not trigger referral to a State Government referral agency under the Planning Regulation 2017
  • address the overlay code requirement, if subject to an overlay.

Material change of use applications

The following material change of use applications are eligible for FastTrack:

  • low impact industry
  • warehouse
  • service industry
  • home based business (where limited to non-compliance with home based business code)
  • dual occupancy.

Dwelling houses and secondary dwellings are eligible for FastTrack when the application complies with building heights specified in:

  • acceptable outcomes of the dwelling house code, and
  • performance outcomes of the height of buildings and structures overlay code.

Reconfiguring a lot applications

When applying to reconfigure a lot, you can FastTrack:

  • maximum one (1) additional lot created and access easements
  • rearranging boundaries.

Operational works

To be eligible for FastTrack, you must lodge material change of use and operational works applications concurrently, if:

  • associated with a material change of use for a dual occupancy; or
  • any of the above listed industrial uses.


  • minor change applications to FastTrack approvals
  • generally in accordance requests relating to FastTrack approvals.

Ineligible applications

Council will contact you if you make an application that is not eligible for FastTrack. These applications will be assessed under the standard timeframes pursuant to the Planning Act 2016.

FastTrack applications

FastTrack applications

A qualified and experienced applicant must complete the FastTrack application kit. The kit includes:

  • the FastTrack consultant report
  • applicable RPEQ design certification forms for access, car parking and integrated water management.

The kit must be accompanied by:

  • application fees
  • letters of approval/consent where applicable
  • relevant approved forms
  • proposal plans
  • a landscape concept plan
  • any other documents or supplementary information needed for assessment.

FastTrack fees

FastTrack application fees are the same as standard fees. For combined material change of use and operational works applications for dual occupancies, the latter fee will be waived.

Advice for success

To help FastTrack a decision, you should:

  • submit the consultant report and certifications, along with all other aspects mentioned above
  • include the referral agency response from the State Government
  • consider lodging your application online via the eDevelopment application channel.

Ineligible applications

Council will contact you if you make an application that is not eligible for FastTrack. These applications will be assessed under the standard timeframes pursuant to the Planning Act 2016.

FastTrack application kit

FastTrack application kit

Use the FastTrack application kit for low risk development applications:

All FastTrack applications need a FastTrack consultant report. You must also submit the relevant RPEQ design certification form for all FastTrack applications. Except for:

  • reconfiguring a lot
  • advertising signs
  • caretaker's accommodation
  • home based business, and
  • bed and breakfast home based business.

More information on low risk development applications

More information on low risk development applications

For information about eligibility, applying or for general advice, please contact council's development services. Our FastTrack assessment officers have experience in:

  • planning
  • civil engineering
  • hydraulics and water quality
  • environmental health
  • landscape and ecology, and
  • urban design.