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Council adopted the 2017/18 budget at a special meeting on 15 June 2017.

The budget was developed in conjunction with:

Budget snapshot

  • A budget which includes a positive operating result of $24.9 million.
  • A $722 million dollar budget which delivers services and opportunities to keep our region great.
  • $237 million Capital Works Program.
  • $4 increase to waste management charges for a 240L wheelie bin.
  • Overall the general rates and waste management charges combined results in a 2.3% increase.
  • Environment Levy increase by 72.
  • Heritage Levy increase by 11.
  • Transport Levy increase by 42.
  • Tourism and Major Events Levy increase of 4.6% in line with the projected program.
  • Pensioner discount continues.
  • On-time payment discount continues.

This is a budget that:

  • helps to build Australia's healthy, smart and creative region – economically and environmentally
  • focuses on protecting and enhancing our environment, building a strong community and growing the economy
  • has a capital works program investing to improve the livability of our communities
  • delivers on our clear plan for today and for tomorrow.

Budget 2017/18 news

2017/18 Budget Schedules

The 2017/18 Budget Schedules were presented as attachments to the budget adoption report. The schedules include:


The following policies have been adopted as part of the 2017/18 Budget:

Previous budgets