2016/17 Budget
Council adopted the 2016/17 budget at a special meeting on 16 June 2016

Council adopted the 2016/17 budget at a special meeting on 16 June 2016.
The budget was developed in conjunction with:
- council’s Operational Plan 2016/17[881KB], adopted by council at the Special Meeting on 9 June 2016
- and in accordance with council's Financial Sustainability Plan 2015-2025[1945KB] adopted by council at the Ordinary Meeting 17 September 2015.
Budget snapshot
- A budget which includes a positive operating result of $30.9 million
- $253 million Capital Works Program, including three Region Making Projects for the 2016/17 and future years:
- $53 million for the continuation of the development of the Maroochydore City Centre
- $31 million to complete the development of the Solar Farm
- $25 million for the Sunshine Coast Airport Runway.
- General rates have increased by 2.5%
- 1.7% increase to Waste Management charges for a wheelie bin
- Overall the general rates and waste management charges combined results in a 2.2% increase which, is in line with the LGAQ Council Cost Index
- Tourism and Major Events Levy increase of 10% with a minimum of $90.80
- Pensioner discount continues, about $3.3 million
- Early payment discount continues, about $8.1 million.
This is a budget that:
- focuses on building Australia's smart region - economically and environmentally
- delivering the core services which continue to grow a strong community
- has a capital works program investing in the future of our communities
- significantly benefit future generations with visionary and innovative projects.
Fact sheets
- Capital Works Program[35KB]
- Community Budget Report
- You can access separate sections of council's 2016/17 Budget from the listing below or download the 2016/17 Budget Book.
Budget 2016/17 news
- Sunshine Coast Council delivers a budget to build Australia's smart region
- Budget protects and enhances our great lifestyle
- Building a city centre for the 21st Century from below the ground, up
- Building Australia’s smart region by investing in infrastructure
- Protecting and enhancing our environment gets the green tick of approval
- Heritage Levy allows us all to be guardians of our past
- Tourism and Events help put Sunshine Coast on the map
2016/17 Budget Schedules
The 2016/17 Budget Schedules were presented as attachments to the budget adoption report. The schedules include:
- Statement of Income and Expenses
- Change in Rates and Utility Charges[38KB]
- Statement of Financial Position[37KB]
- Statement of Changes in Equity[39KB]
- Statement of Cash Flows[40KB]
- Measures of Financial Sustainability[30KB]
- 2016-2017 Ten-Year Capital Works Program[35KB]
- Maroochydore City Centre[33KB]
- Solar Farm[32KB]
- Sunshine Coast Airport Runway Project[14KB].
The following policies have been adopted as part of the 2016-17 Budget:
- 2016/17 Revenue Statement[4547KB]
- 2016/17 Debt Policy[53KB]
- 2016/17 Investment Policy[52KB]
- 2016/17 Revenue Policy[121KB].