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Council offers a range of parking permits to residents to access on-street parking.

Types of parking permits

Residential parking permit

Residential parking permits allow residents to access on-street parking, within a regulated area. They can park for longer than the restricted timeframe.

Eligible residents who live in the following regulated parking areas can apply:

Permits are not available in streets with paid parking meters.


Under the TORUM legislation, a trailer is a defined as a separate vehicle and will require a permit. 

Approved residential parking permits expire on 31 July each year. This is regardless of the date of applying/approval. These permits are not renewable. You need to apply each year for a new permit. Before the permit expires, council sends an SMS reminder to permit holders.

How to apply online

To apply for a residential parking permit:

  • register as an online user for MyCouncil
  • click on MyCouncil Services under personal access
  • select 'Submit a new application' under the applications tile in My Dashboard
  • complete the residential parking permit, attach documents and pay (if required)

How to apply by mail

To apply by mail, complete the residential parking permit application (DOCX, 255KB) and return it with payment (if required) to:

Sunshine Coast Council
Locked Bag 72
Sunshine Coast Mail Centre QLD 4560

Please include the following supporting documents with your application:

  • proof of your residential address i.e. a driver’s licence or utility bill and
  • proof that the vehicle is registered to, or will be primarily used by, a resident at the residential address.
  • a current vehicle registration notice or
  • transfer document showing the applicant’s address.
  • company vehicles, a letter from the company that states the applicant’s home address. It must also confirm that the applicant is a company employee with the use of the vehicle.

We will assess your application within 28 days and let you know the outcome in writing.

Caloundra pre-paid parking permit

Council offers pre-paid parking for the Caloundra CBD metered parking area.

Permit holders do not need to pay for the Caloundra parking meters, but must still abide by the time limits.

Permit holders cannot park in:

  • loading zones or
  • disabled parking bays

without the proper permits.

War veterans parking permit

Eligible residents can apply for a war veteran parking permit. To apply, you must have actively served with Australian or Allied Forces in conflicts recognised by Department of Veteran Affairs.

The permit allows eligible residents to park in metered bays for free within council's metered areas. Time limits still apply.

This permit does not apply to any commercially owned carparks.

Permit holders cannot park in:

  • loading zones or
  • disabled parking bays

without the proper permits.

How to apply - Caloundra or War Veterans permits

To apply, please complete the pre-paid parking permit application (DOCX, 275KB) and return it to:

Sunshine Coast Council
Locked Bag 72
Sunshine Coast Mail Centre QLD 4560

Please provide the following supporting documents with your application:

  • a copy of Gold DVA Health Card and
  • proof of residency

Works zone permit

You can apply to have access to a designated parking space and adjacent footpath. This could be for:

  • commercial
  • construction or
  • fundraising purposes.

How to apply

To apply, please complete the works zone parking permit application (DOCX, 254KB) and return it to:

Sunshine Coast Council
Locked Bag 72
Sunshine Coast Mail Centre QLD 4560

Please provide the following supporting documents with your application:

  • written consent/approval of works or
  • a copy of any development application or
  • a copy of any building works approval.

Health and community services parking permit

This permit is for health and community services workers. The permit provides an exemption for on-street parking for timed and paid parking. The permit holder must engaged in health or charity work when using the permit.

Permits are not allocated for:

  • general staff parking at the health or community service.

Eligible registered healthcare workers may apply for one or more permit.

To be eligible applicants must be:

  • a health practitioner registered with the Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency
  • an organisation registered as a charity with the Australian Charities and Not-for-profits Commission.

How to apply?

To apply, please complete the health and community services parking permit application (DOCX, 276KB) and return it to:

Sunshine Coast Council
Locked Bag 72
Sunshine Coast Mail Centre QLD 4560

You must provide supporting documents with your application:

  • evidence of the vehicle user’s registration as a health practitioner or
  • evidence of the organisations registration as a charity with the Australian Charities and Not-for-profit Commission.

Supporting documents

To help us process your permit, please include the correct support documents. This is required under Subordinate Local Law No. 1 (Administration) 2011, Schedule 16.

Documents must have your name and address, as per your application.

Permit conditions

The conditions that will normally be imposed on a parking permit as follows:

  • the permit applies to the vehicle registration and applicant nominated on the application form; and
  • the permit must be affixed to the lower left-hand corner of the windscreen or other highly visible location on the left-hand side of the vehicle; and
  • the permit is not transferable to the new owner of the vehicle if the vehicle is sold;
  • in the event of a change of vehicle the permit holder is required to destroy the permit; and
  • in the event of a change of vehicle the permit holder is to complete a new application form with new vehicle details; and
  • the permit is only valid on local government roads and off-street regulated parking areas; and
  • damaged or defaced permits must be returned to the local government; and
  • a permit must not be willfully misused; and
  • the permit holder must not hold a permit for more than one vehicle; and
  • the permit only applies to your residential street and does not apply to any other street.

New or replacement permits

To request a new or replacement permit, please contact council.

Change to vehicle details

As permits are vehicle specific and not transferable, you must apply each year for a new permit. An application fee is applicable.

Payment options

Log into MyCouncil to pay an application, licence renewal, or debtor account online.

  • Make an application or licence renewal payment
  • Pay using BPay by contacting your bank to make a payment. You can pay from your cheque, savings or transaction account.
  • Post a cheque or money order to Locked Bag 72, Sunshine Coast Mail Centre, QLD 4560. Include the bottom section of your parking permit renewal with permit details.

You will need to quote your reference number when making a payment.

If there are any changes to your details or if your details are incomplete, please contact council.