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If you find a sick, or injured animal in need of rescue.

Please call the RSPCA on 1300-ANIMAL (1300 264 625).

Council is proud to support the below wildlife rescue/care groups and facilities through the Environment Levy. These groups can also be contacted directly for assistance with sick, injured or orphaned wildlife.

Consider your own safety first when tending to a wild animal. Learn more about helping injured wildlife including handling and transporting injured animals. Never handle flying-foxes or bats (see below). Only registered wildlife carers are permitted to keep, raise or rehabilitate native wildlife.

Marine animal strandings

Marine animal strandings

Please report sick, injured or dead turtles, dolphin, dugongs or whales to:

Report marine animals entangled in:

  • shark nets to the Shark Hotline on 1800 806 891, or
  • fishing equipment to the Department of Environment and Science on 1300 130 372.

Sick and injured flying foxes

Sick and injured flying foxes

NEVER handle flying-foxes or bats. 

Please report flying foxes in need of rescue to 1300-ANIMAL or to Bat Rescue via the WILVOS 24/7 Hotline on (07) 5441 6200 for assistance from a trained rescuer.