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Kids in Action is an environmental education program aiming to increase knowledge and change actions. Program outcomes include:

  • increasing knowledge and awareness - environmental literacy
  • engendering protection and responsibility - environmental stewardship
  • making changes in actions - pro-environmental behaviour
  • valued learning process - constructivist learning.

The Sunshine Coast Kids in Action program is highly successful. Over 11+ years more than 3,800 students across 123 schools have participated.

You can check out all the fun learning experiences from past Environmental Project Days and Kids Teaching Kids Conference events below.

Kids In Action 2023

The 2023 Kids in Action Program was recognised at the Local Government Awards for Excellence 2023, winning the Excellence in Community Shaping.

See all the fun we had in 2023 in this video clip.

Kids in Action 2022

See highlights from the 2022 program.

Kids in Action 2021

See highlights from the 2021 program.

Kids in Action conference 2019

The 2019 Kids in Action Program was formally recognised for its contribution to fostering reconciliation and paving the way for a better future in Queensland by winning (in partnership with Gubbi Gubbi Dance and Jinibara People's Aboriginal Corporation) the Queensland Government Reconciliation Award for Partnership.

Kids in Action conference 2018

Kids in Action conference 2017

Kids in Action conference 2016

Kids in Action conference 2015

Kids in Action conference 2014

Kids in Action conference 2013

Kids in Action conference 2012

Thank you to the teachers, students and mentors who participate in the Kids in Action Program each year, and congratulations to everyone involved.