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Congratulations to Leigh Warneminde for her nomination for the 2018 Australia Day environment and sustainability award.

Leigh founded the Yerranya Dunes Restoration Group (still operational) which became one of the foundation groups of the Stumers Creek to Black Gully Coast Care Group in 1997. The following year this overarching group became Coolum District Coast Care Group (CDCCG). For much of the time since, Leigh has been president and a major influence in its growth and strength as a community-run environmental force.

With Leigh as president CDCCG (now known as Coolum and North Shore Coast Care) have been successful in the last 15 years at securing over $500,000 in funds from federal, state and local governments, and private organisations for revegetation projects and wildlife research and monitoring.

Other projects and programs Leigh has been involved with are:

  • wildlife surveys along the dunal reserves at Coolum Beach, Marcoola and Yaroomba
  • 10 yearly update of the Point Arkwright/Point Perry Rocky Foreshores transect mapping
  • promotion of a wildlife corridor to link Noosa with Maroochy River and identification of areas of land that should (and subsequently have) been included in national parks and the protection of Bertya sharpeana at Mt Coolum and wallum rescue projects at Marcoola
  • initiated ‘EnviroClub’ with Coolum State Primary School in about 2003, and sees engagement with children of all ages as essential for the future conservation of our environment. The annual Eco Discovery program conducted under the Coast Care banner is a continuation of this principle
  • delivering educational talks on key issues such as marine turtles and marine debris
  • a driving force behind the establishment of the Coolum Community native nursery.

Leigh is a passionate campaigner for the environment and brings the group and the community along with her. She is a well deserving nominee for an Australia Day award, congratulations.