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Council is hosting tours highlighting the smart solutions in Maroochydore City Centre for schools, universities and other groups.

Virtual Smart City tour

We are also developing virtual tours for individuals and groups to showcase smart city solutions that are operational or in planning across the region.

For more information about our Smart City tours, email [email protected] or call us on (07) 5475 7272.

Self-guided virtual tours

Self-guided virtual tours are available via the SCC app:

  • new Maroochydore city centre - take a walk around the site and learn about what technologies are being installed to create a cleaner, greener, dynamic city centre which will have a transformative impact on our region’s economy
  • Maroochydore Bushland Sculpture Garden - visitors can explore more than 30 works onsite at the Maroochy Regional Bushland Botanic Garden.

The SCC app is available through Apple and Android.