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While the State Government (through TransLink) is responsible for the provision and operation of public transport, Councils have a role in relation to bus stops.

Transport Levy funds contributed to the accelerated upgrade of a number of bus stop infrastructure locations across the Sunshine Coast. These bus stop upgrades will benefit all users, but was targeted in ensuring they meet the Disability Discrimination Act 1992 and Federal Government targets.

The public transport network is an essential part of the Sunshine Coast’s strategic transport network. Its effectiveness is vital to achieve a shift away from the private vehicle.

In 2019-2020 the Transport Levy contributed $700,000 to the bus stop infrastructure program and attracted an additional $885,000 in external funding.

In 2020-2021 the Transport Levy is contributing $480,000 and has attracted an additional $504,000 in external funding to the bus stop infrastructure program.

The upgrade works have achieved DDA compliance at approximately (97%) of bus stops. Works have included:

  • concrete bus stops pads and signage
  • installation of tactile ground surface indicators
  • upgraded footpath connections to bus stop locations

The remaining sites are difficult to make compliant and consequently are under detailed review by the Department of Transport and Main Roads. The Disability Standards for Accessible Public Transport and Australian Standard 1428 expect 100% of bus stops to be compliant by 2022.

More information

For information about accessible public transport services, visit the TransLink website.