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Many popular areas of the Sunshine Coast have marked parking bays that are signed and time limited. You should not park your vehicle for longer than the time displayed.


Parking meters in downtown Caloundra have been upgraded to allow tap-and-go payment. As of May 2019, all parking meters accept payment via coins, credit and debit cards and pay-by-phone. Council also provides free on-street and off-street parking throughout Caloundra.


Council provides free on-street and off-street parking throughout Nambour.


Council provides free on-street and off-street parking throughout Maleny.


Council provides free on-street and off-street parking throughout Maroochydore.


Council provides free on-street and off-street parking throughout Mooloolaba.


Council is responsible for managing only 2% of the parking in the Sunshine Coast Health precinct. Metered on-street parking is available along Eccles Blvd, Bright Pl, Shine Ct and Birtinya Blvd.