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These include:

  • Point Cartwright
  • Caloundra Headland
  • Point Arkwright and Point Perry.

Rocky headland shorebird species

Rocky headlands are home to the wandering tattler (migratory) and the sooty oystercatcher (resident).

You’ll have to look hard to see wandering tattlers. They are small birds that blend into the surroundings while foraging on the rocky headland. This camouflage means they are difficult to spot.

Point Cartwright 5 September 2023

  • sooty oystercatchers
  • crested terns
  • white-faced heron
  • osprey.

Caloundra Headland 29 September 2023

  • sooty oystercatchers
  • eastern reef egret
  • pied cormorants
  • Australian white ibis
  • silver gulls.

Alexandra Headland 25 July 2023

  • sooty oystercatchers
  • gull-billed tern
  • osprey
  • little black cormorant
  • silver gulls.

Point Arkwright 3 August 2023

  • terns
  • pied cormorant
  • white-bellied sea eagle
  • brahminy kite
  • Australasian gannet.