Parks and reserves
Find out more about our parks and reserves.
- Are you a good bushland neighbour?
In urban locations many small pockets of bushland are protected in reserves to provide a buffer and pleasant view between houses.
- Preserving more of Buderim’s unique biodiversity
The Sunshine Coast’s conservation estate has received a boost with the purchase of additional bushland area in the heart of Buderim through the environment levy land acquisition program.
- Meet the cool neighbours at Mary Cairncross
Reptiles and amphibians are not always the most popular of neighbours, but they are certainly very ‘cool’.
- Environment levy land acquisition in Buderim
Thanks to your environment levy an incredible 27.5 hectare eucalypt and rainforest habitat in the heart of Buderim will be protected and enhanced for many future generations to come.
- Mary Cairncross BioBlitz - exploring rainforest skyscrapers
This unique research event aimed at studying and celebrating biodiversity in the reserve by cataloguing as much life as possible from dripline to rooftop canopy in each of these 5 trees.
- Rainforest discovery centre - Mary Cairncross scenic reserve
Let us take a guided tour to discover just some of the exciting educational opportunities provided within the new rainforest discovery centre.
- Whitecross environmental reserve Bli Bli
Check out what we found on a guided walk through the reserve.
- Wildlife at the Maroochy wetlands sanctuary
The Maroochy wetlands sanctuary is a 102 ha reserve, that sits alongside of the Maroochy River in Bli Bli.