Coast and marine
View coast and marine resources.
The Sunshine Coast has over one hundred kilometres of coastal foreshores. Read about the management and protection of our coasts and marine environments.
- 2013 Shearwater wreck
Each year from October, millions of short-tailed shearwaters (Puffinus tenuirostris) transverse vast areas of open ocean from the arctic region westward towards Australia to breed.
- Marine algae blooms
Find out more about algae blooms.
- Book the coastal discovery van
Find out how to book the coastal discovery van for your school or organisation.
- Currimundi lake maintenance
Find out more on what maintenance is happening at Currimundi lake.
- Jellyfish of the Sunshine Coast
Over the past twelve months council officers have been collecting planktonic samples from several inshore locations to examine what our “normal” jellyfish communities look like throughout the summer months.
- Maroochydore sand renourishment
Council will use sand from the Maroochy River to widen and restore the beach to provide protection from future storms.
- Planktonic life of our waterways
From November to March, 6 sites were sampled monthly using a plankton net and the variety of life that was discovered was astounding.
- Plastic free July 2018
Read about the junior eco-leaders forum with Tim Silverwood.
- Rocky shore species identification
View our rocky shore species identification information.
- Schools beach clean up 2018
In preparation for the arrival of nesting loggerhead turtles, local schools again helped clean our beaches through council’s annual schools beach clean up.
- Shorebird murals
New murals celebrate the start of shorebird season.
- Shorebirds
Up to 10,000 migratory shorebirds inhabit various ecosystems that shape the interface of our coast.
- Stonefish on the Sunshine Coast
Stonefish live in coastal shallow waters, estuaries and creek mouths along the Australian coastline, including on the Sunshine Coast.
- Summer jellyfish
Each summer over the past 5 years, council officers have collected plankton samples from our waterways to better understand the microscopic life of the Sunshine Coast. During January 2020, we collected a number of very small and very young jellyfish within our estuarine and offshore sample sites.
- Whale season wrap up 2018
Each year over 30,000 humpback whales migrate past our beaches on their annual migration to the warmer waters of Hervey Bay and beyond.
- Whitespotted eagle ray
Check out the latest sighting of the whitespotted eagle ray.
- Seagrass in the Pumicestone Passage
Seagrasses are important breeding and feeding grounds for large numbers of fish and invertebrate species.