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Background and experience

  • Recipient 2020 Sunshine Coast Australia Day Award 2020 – Creative
  • Researched and published internationally in the areas of arts audiences, arts marketing, arts fundraising and business development in the arts
  • Developed Queensland’s first Graduate Diploma in Arts Administration at QUT in the 1990s
  • Presented papers at arts management and cultural policy conferences in North America, Europe, the UK, and Asia
  • Former member of the Scientific Committee of the International Association of Arts and Cultural Management (AIMAC)
  • Published three books on arts management, the latest book in 2015 by Melbourne University Press, Philanthropy and the Arts
  • Provided consultancy in arts governance, arts marketing and strategic marketing to arts organisations in Australia and overseas, and to local and state governments
  • Graduate of the AICD and a former member of the Sunshine Coast AICD Committee
  • Previous Board experience with APACA, QPAC, Qld Ballet, Qld Arts Council and Australian Institute of Arts Management.

Current board memberships

  • Sunshine Coast Grammar School Foundation
  • Chair Sunshine Coast Arts Foundation Ltd