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Karina Seljak is a practising drawing and sculptural artist based in Coolum Beach. She’s also Co-founder & Director of her own brand of award-winning closed-loop recycled blankets, Seljak Brand. Karina shares her industry expertise as a circular economy and marketing consultant and educator, delivering key-notes, workshops and mentorship through Artisan QLD and Queensland University of Technology among others.

 After living in multiple world cities, Karina Seljak has identified the Sunshine Coast as the most strategic place to build her artistic career. With a double degree in Fine Arts (Fashion) & Business (Advertising) from QUT, graduating in 2011, Karina brings 12 years of industry experience engaging with the intersection of art, design and commerce across the start-up, small business and corporate sectors, as well as the perspective of a practicing young local artist with connections to the local arts scene.

 Most recently, Karina showed a series of pastel drawings at the 40 Under 40 Exhibition at Cooroy Butter Factory Arts Centre. Last year she contributed to the Floating Land Biennale 2023 program, producing the Queer Coast Zine, published by Noosa Regional Gallery as part of the Unauthorised Voices project. Karina also presented a soft sculpture work, Stick Together, at the group exhibition ENTWINE at Ipswich Community Art Gallery (2023), and in previous years, a collaborative work at Mutual Intent exhibition at Brisbane Powerhouse (2021) and textiles work at A World We Don’t Want exhibition at the NGV’s Melbourne Design Week (2021). 

Karina also translates her original artwork into closed-loop blanket designs to educate consumers and students about circular economy and nature-based design approaches. These projects give her insight into the needs of emerging artists living and working on the Sunshine Coast, and the state of its arts, innovation and cultural infrastructure.