Read articles where the Sunshine Coast design has been featured to date.

The Sunshine Coast design book is garnering attention locally and nationally. Have a read of these feature articles.
The conversation
Sunshine Coast shows the way to create good design loved by communities and put an end to eyesores. Read the article.
Sunshine Coast design book suggests four core values in architecture and developments to create responsive design and uphold a placemaking approach on the Sunshine Coast. Read the article.
The fifth estate
10 ways to keep Sunshine Coast liveable and sustainable. Read the article.
This Strip of Australian coastline has developed a gentle architectural style that takes the heat in its stride. Indeed, if you need an air conditioning system, your design is judged a failure. Read the article (PDF, 6220KB).
Architecture AU
Sunshine Coast Council has produced a new design guide in the form of a hard cover book. The book is designed to show "how good design is vital to protecting what the community values most." Read the article.
Australian design review
A humorous critique of architecture’s taxonomies, a celebration of the site-specific Sunshine Coast design and a curation of essays on how the industry should respond to COVID-19 are some of the best architecture book releases of 2020. Read this article.
Queensland homes
Whether you lucky enough to live on the beautiful Sunshine Coast, or just looking for fresh ideas for building or renovating with a coastal style, be sure to get your hands on Sunshine Coast Council’s new design book before you get started. Read this article.