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Council requires that addendums which detail amendments to the standard drawings must be adhered to. Council has formally adopted the listed drawings in the index as standard.

A list of addendums has also been produced, which details amendments to the standard drawings to meet council's requirements. It is important to reference the list of addendums before using any standard drawings.

The engineering standard drawings are based on the drawings produced by the Institute of Public Works Engineers Australasia and the Department of Transport and Main Roads where relevant. An index sheet is included that shows which drawings are relevant and also indicates the origin of the drawing.


SCCSunshine Coast Council
Institute of Public Works Engineers Australia, Queensland Division
DS - by South East Queensland Council's Reference Group
IPWEAQ - Year 2000 Version
TMRDepartment of Transport and Main Roads, Queensland

If you have any enquiries, please contact the Design and Placemaking Branch via council's customer service centre.