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Council continues with the development of the as constructed data standard and guidelines that incorporates the asset design as constructed (ADAC) specification.

ADAC provides a standard specification for describing asset design and as constructed data.

The ADAC specification is defined in the ADAC XML schema and is utilised by council to transfer asset information into its corporate systems. The As Constructed Data Standard applies to the following infrastructure asset types:

  • transport
  • stormwater
  • open space
  • water
  • sewerage
  • cadastre/surface
  • electrical
  • telecommunication.

Please note, electrical and telecommunication data has the potential to be present as a separate asset type and/or be incorporated under any of the above asset classes including, but not limited to, open space and transport. It is a requirement to capture ALL assets in these classes that belong to, or that will be donated to council.

On completion of physical works and prior to assets being accepted on maintenance, a current version ADAC XML file of the "As Constructed" and a full set of the "Design Drawings" with the "Marked Up" as constructed information is to be submitted for council review and acceptance. The final "As Constructed" data should accurately reflect material types, specifications and other asset specific information. The digital ADAC XML file must be a complete and detailed digital record of what was constructed, as this information is used by the Council in the management of the assets.

More information on the ADAC process, data schema, available tools and supporting agencies can be found on the ADAC website.

A guideline to assist in the creation and submission of ADAC XML files has been developed and when followed will ensure the creation of compliant ADAC XML files. ADAC XML files are routinely required to accompany the usual bundle of “As Constructed” plans, drawings, schedules and associated information reflecting new donated infrastructure and associated assets handed over to the council.

In order to comply with the the QLD Government Natural Resources and Other Legislation (GDA2020) Amendment Act 2020, Sunshine Coast Council has now adopted GDA2020. Spatial data supplied to, and provided by, council will now use this datum.

After 1st October 2022, only ADAC version 5.01 is to be submitted as an accompaniment to the As-Constructed bundle of information.

View ADAC XML guidelines version 5.02 (PDF, 5.44MB) and ADAC data dictionary version 5.01 (PDF, 701KB).