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Development.i is council's new way to stay informed of all development applications in the Sunshine Coast local government area.

It provides users with easy access to past and current applications details and basic property information, so it's easy for you to:

  • keep informed about what is happening in your area
  • prepare applications
  • make a submission to the council on an impact assessable application.

Development.i allows users on any device to:

  • navigate
  • visualise
  • track
  • be alerted to applications.

Development.i was developed by Sunshine Coast Council, with the assistance of the Queensland Government's Planning Act 2016 Innovation and Improvement Fund.

See our frequently asked questions.

What information is available?

There are three types of information available:

  • property
  • application
  • some application documents.

Important: the system does not replace council's property searches. If you are undertaking development or building certification it is recommended that council property searches are sought. These may include, but not limited to:

  • building information searches
  • planning and development certificates
  • flood information searches.

What role do I play in the Queensland planning system?

As a member of the community, there are many ways to be involved in the Queensland planning system, including:

Visit the State government planning website for more information, including:

Help with Development.i

For more information, refer to:


Development.i is supported by most modern web browsers. Browsers that have not be updated for some time may experience problems with opening documents or the way web pages display.

Terms and conditions

Please note that council's full terms and conditions apply when using Development.i.