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Our Local Business Support program connects small businesses to resources, business tools, programs, events, procurement opportunities and referrals to networks to support the growth and development of businesses.

Whether starting a new business or scaling up, the Local Business Development team works with you, Chambers of Commerce and industry groups to identify and delivery initiatives that inform, educate and connect the regions small businesses.

Download the Business Resource Guide

Find the resources to support your business growth on Level Up Your Business. A Council funded resource platform that collates information and support from Chambers of Commerce, industry groups and all levels of government to provide you with a centralised resource center.

Types of resources available:

  • Business planning
  • Networks and support
  • Continuity planning
  • Permits, licences, and regulations
  • Grants, funding, and programs
  • Sustainability in business
  • Digital upskilling

To find out more connect with a Business Development Facilitator via [email protected].

Keep informed with fortnightly updates that will connect you to opportunities, programs and events that can help you further develop your business. Subscribe to the Business E-News here.