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Council understands the importance of displaying temporary roadside banners in the region.

Installing roadside banners helps promote and support local community events and celebrations.

All roadside banners are installed on special light poles found on various streets across the Sunshine Coast.

Any banner installed on these light poles must be approved by Energex before any installation work can begin. In some instances, approval from Department of Transport and Main Roads (DTMR) may also be required.

Installation process

If you wish to install a temporary roadside banner please follow the steps below.

  1. Select the desired location of the banners.
  2. Check the DTMR regional map of state controlled roads. This will tell you if the location is on a State or Regional controlled road:
    1. If regional controlled road, approval is required by Energex only.
    2. If state controlled road, approval is required by both Energex and DTMR.
  3. Phone council’s customer service centre to obtain a list of authorised Energex installation contractors on (07) 5475 7272.
  4. Contact preferred authorised installation contractor and discuss proposal including location, date of install and de-install, quantity and potential draft banner designs.
  5. Contractor liaises directly with Energex on behalf of customer to obtain Energex approvals (for both regional and state controlled roads).
  6. Once Energex approval is obtained, customer to liaise with DTMR for separate approval via permit (for state controlled or combination of state and regional controlled roads).
  7. Upon receipt of all approvals, customer can proceed with banner manufacturing.
  8. Contractor installs banners on agreed dates.
  9. Contractor de-installs banners on agreed dates.