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Council recognises the importance of memorials in celebrating the region’s:

  • history
  • culture
  • environment
  • people
  • organisations
  • events.

Council assesses requests based on specific significance to the community where the memorial is proposed to be located. This helps council to manage the high number of requests received each year.


Council is committed to:

  • enhancing an appreciation of the region's history and culture
  • honouring people and who have contributed significantly to the community
  • honouring significant events and places
  • managing requests and offers of gifts for memorials
  • ensuring memorials are well maintained
  • fostering partnerships in the community to ensure respect for memorials.

Application process

To apply for a memorial or plaque, read council's:

All applicants must submit an application form:

Applications are assessed on the:

  • application meeting all requirements
  • suitability and availability of the proposed location
  • demonstrated significance of the memorial to that location.

Submit completed applications via:

Memorials and Plaques Application
Attention: Community Land Permits
Sunshine Coast Council
Locked Bag 72
Sunshine Coast Mail Centre QLD 4560

For more information, contact council on 5475 7272.