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Hinterland communities impacted by rain events which caused a series of road defects are progressively being re-connected as a range of reconstruction projects gather momentum.

Repairs to numerous unsealed roads damaged during the 2022 flooding events across the Sunshine Coast are on track to be completed by June this year, weather dependent.

Since the region was hit hard by severe weather events in February and May 2022, Sunshine Coast Council has been busy assessing and fixing public assets across the region.

Group Executive Built Infrastructure Scott Taylor said the most impacted local areas during the weather event were Bald Knob, Wootha, Glenview, Eudlo, Coolum, Peachester, Montville and Towen Mountain.

“We sustained significant damage to numerous infrastructure assets which have now been repaired or are currently in the process of having works delivered,” Mr Taylor said.

“There are some unsealed roads where significant sections of the surface were damaged, whereas other roads contain only small areas to be repaired. 

“We’ve been working with the Queensland Reconstruction Authority (QRA) to secure the funding to reconstruct damaged roads and other civil assets with assistance from the jointly funded Commonwealth and State Disaster Recovery Funding Arrangements (DRFA).”

Council has been approved funding for different sections of numerous roads and contractors will complete the approved works.

Before: flood damaged Grigor Road, Conondale
After: repaired Gigor Road, Conondale
Before: flood damaged Cheviot Road, Palmwoods
After: repaired Cheviot Road, Palmwoods

“Council is progressively rebuilding damaged unsealed roads totalling almost 250,000 square metres – which would cover more than 980 tennis courts or over three Suncorp Stadiums – through the DRFA,” he said. 

“We thank our community and road users for their patience and driving to the conditions while we have been progressively repairing these roads across the region.”

Council continues to work closely with QRA, all levels of government, along with emergency and community agencies, to support the community as the region continues to navigate the long-term impacts of the 2022 flooding events.

Unsealed roads to be repaired across Sunshine Coast region, listed by division* 

DivisionUnsealed road to be repaired (square metres)
Division 171,260 m2
Division 31,572 m2
Division 580,159 m2
Division 7833 m2
Division 8980 m2
Division 921,243 m2
Division 1072,868 m2
TOTAL248,915 m2

* Unsealed roads in some parts of the region were less affected by the 2022 weather events and therefore not all divisional areas require QRA funding for repairs.

The above figures were accurate at the time of assessment by Council’s asset inspectors but are subject to change prior to finalisation and delivery of QRA repair works.

Our road network

Sunshine Coast Council’s road network spans 3106 kilometres with 473 kilometres of unsealed roads maintained and monitored by Council crews and contractors. 

In the 2022-23 financial year Council resurfaced and rehabilitated 88 kilometres of roads, representing 161 road projects with a total delivery cost of $21.7 million.

 Council’s road safety tips 

  • Use the Road Look Up website to find out if you should report road damage to Council or Transport and Main Roads. 
  • Check Council’s Roads Hub mapping tool to check for delays before heading out on the roads. 
  • If you see a pothole, don’t assume someone else has already reported it. Do your good deed for the day and report it for the safety of other road users. 
  • Council maintains more than 3000km of local roads and bridges throughout the region. 
  • It’s Council’s number one priority to keep our roads and users safe, so we have repair crews on the ground every day closely monitoring and maintaining emerging potholes. 
  • Drive to the conditions and please keep a lookout for potential potholes, landslips, flooded roads and other hazards.